Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for -RisingManectric- (page 106)

Nov 13, 2020 by Amethyst
What does a shiny Gulpin look like? And are you still gonna try even though the challenge is kinda over?oh i lnow! I BET you’ll get you’re shiny by 11:59 PM EST let’s see if you do! I really did think you would win keep at em! Good luck!
Nov 13, 2020 by Dyla N
sorry i’m freaking out i got a shiny!!!!!!!!! It’s an Elgyem i don’t know about his other stuff but ability is Telepathy I wasn’t even seriously consudering that i’d do it

OH MY GAURDIANS   Ironically  Kt’s Friday the thirteenth  hmmmm
Nov 13, 2020 by Dyla N
I gave up SOSing emptily i’m filling my PC  well we do this, it was literally empty except for legendary‘s  And a shony from GA.  So now I’m relying on unreliable Random Encounters Near the electric trial maybe i’ll SOS something here
Nov 13, 2020 by Dyla N
First progress check!

I tried SOSing Meowth and  accidentally caught the caller, then tried Psyduck cuz it was there that on last noght and this  morning but i accidentky KOed the only one there so my progress is 0% how are you doing?
Nov 13, 2020 by Dyla N
 If you agree to these terms challenge can officially begin , That will be fun I hope
1. No WT or any hacks
2. Noy a wormhole shony ( this includes legendary’s and ultra beasts)
3. No time limit ( I need a discount take days hours weeks but hopefully not )
4. Progress checks on walls ( i’ll be doing this)
5.  Shiny can be SOS chained or from a random encounter  The only and USUM
XDand or SM

 I still don’t know what the winner will get if anything maybe just bragging rights LOL
Nov 12, 2020 by Dyla N
Nov 12, 2020 by Mr. Fish
No, you would count how many Pokemon have Solar Beam marked as a usually useless move. Idk if enough Pokemon learn Solar Beam tho
Nov 12, 2020 by y-chai
Wait they're not? When did that happen?
Nov 11, 2020 by Amethyst