Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for Amethyst (page 719)

Tuesday, June, 23rd
Badges: Y Y N N N N N N
Alright now its time to get HM cut on the SS. Anne, so I can get to Lavender town. I go to the sick captain and get the HM for cut,  I then exit the SS. Anne and teach cut to Galizo. I head past the SS.anne dock and onto the next route where I find....  Roggenerloa! Also it took me two entire miniutes to get a single encounter XD. I faint it, frikk. Well i suppouse lets go back to cerulean. I go through Digglet's tunnel and I found a Floette, Its Pure fairy so Why not catch it. I name it ;) as a winky face. I get out of the cave. I find a person who wants a Gligar for Steelix, mabye do that later.  I go and get flash and then go back to cerulean, I replace Bubblebeam on feesh with Flash. This is only part 1 For now, Bye!
Jun 23, 2020 by Driftyy:]
Thanks That means a lot to me to.
Jun 23, 2020 by Dyla N
Well it’s bery very true ur number one Y’s 2 and i guess Jasons 3 but you have given NO reason not to trust u
Jun 23, 2020 by Dyla N
Saying what in chat? I said a LPT
Jun 23, 2020 by Dyla N
Serperior (Miracle Seed, Overgrow)
-Leaf Blade
-Leech Seed

' Cool '
Me: Inner demon noises
Jun 22, 2020 by Driftyy:]
Monday, June 22
Nuzlocke Badges: Y Y N N N N N N
Drifty News: Red nuzlocke
Alright Time for le daily Nuzlocke. First I head down with my team to Vermillion city and realize I haven't gotten a catch on the route before, so I take the chance to get something good. My encounter was Fluffy! Yay! I use a critical Razor leaf and a Lovely kiss.. and I realize I don't have Pokéballs. Frick. I come back and I see a blossom! Not an electric type, but I guess I can come back later. Lots of waking up and razor leaf later, it breaks out of the first Pokeball. The next one caught It.  I name it Shroomer, after my FireRed Vileplume, Shroom. I replace Kagume With Shroom. Kagame is a Ninetales I didn't need. Then I find out I have my Gift Tynamo, Who was randomized from the Gift Mount moon Magikarp, I wanted an electric type so I switched Bonsai the bronzing for Feesh the Tynamo. I check his level. 5. Frick, I need to grind him up.
I head back up the route and accidentally go into a trainer battle. He sends out Darmanitan, Welp I am dead. I switch to Flowers and make a terrifying discovery, It has NIGHT SLASH. I can't switch to Hoopa or else it will be OHKOED So I have Flowers used Lovely kiss and Psychic. I send out Galizo for a leech seed. Water gun does meh damage when used by the foe Piloswine, but it 4HKO'ES. Uh oh... Pilowisne poisoned him, WHY WHY WHY. Thank god I had an antidote. Finally, after 3 energy balls and healing with leech seed, We knock it out. Lumineon is next and I send out Shroomer, who has Shock wave and Thundershock. dammit, confusion from confuse ray. After a confusion and two turns of hitting myself, I get paralysis on Lumineon. Another one and I win the battle. I head back to cerulean to Grind. After Grinding a bit, I head back to Vermillion. I talk to the dude at the underground path, he asks for a LUXIO FOR A ZECROM?????? Yeah, I'm doing that trade if I get a Luxio Or Shinx. I then head towards the SS. Anne. The main fight I'm worried about is the rival one, last time I battled his Celebi it obliterated Solsis in one hit with night slash, I might have to sacrifice Galizo for Celebi. Also, all the people guarding the SS. Anne are clefairies XD
I know these battles are hard, so I send hoopa at the front along with Galizo. A trainers Clawizter Rock Blasted Galizo To almost death, She survived on THREE HP!
Flower if you are reading you are a mad lad. Meanwhile, Mirage Learned Sludge, Its An amazing move so I replace withdraw. I found TM 08 And see what it got randomised to.... Thunderpunch! Wow! Thats Noice. Appearently Galizo can learn it and because Banette has great Attack so I learn it in replace of Tail whip. After a bit i decide to skip most of the fights and go for The rival fight, The prequel. Rival time!!!!!  Basiclly I oblitirate him with Hoopa. Thats it for Today!
Jun 22, 2020 by Driftyy:]
This question is old, but I had great success for this team. I'll be writing this one for Serperior.

Serperior (Miracle Seed, Overgrow)
-Leaf Blade
-Leech Seed
Superior is one of my favourite Grass types, which is why I chose it as my starter. Leaf Blade is for STAB, Cool is to get a small stat boost of needed, Leech Seed to stall an opponent and drain its HP. Strength is an HM, and it needs to be put somewhere. Off you don't like that, Return also worked well.

Chandelure (Charcoal, ???)
-Will-o-wisp, Flamethrower, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball.
Chandelier is my favourite Fire type in Unova, above Arcanine and Darmanitan. It has an excellent moveset that gets the job done nicely. Flamethrower and Shadow Ball are for STAB, willowisp to burn and hinder opponents, and energy ball to deal with Water, Ground, and Rock types.

Don't mind this. It's a rough draft for my team answer.
Jun 22, 2020 by Amethyst
My “odd” shinys
Sawj (karrdonis) live that name and it’s the german nane
Espekn (leafeon WAS a shiny Eevee)
My legenda/myths
Keldeo (i think)
 (That’s sone)
My starters

That’s all from WT over the lAst year and a half er year anyway.
Jun 22, 2020 by Dyla N
Aww i missed u in chat last night lol i went to bed at 11 pm because no one was there well hopefully i see u today! How are you? (Before u ask i’m good lol) i
Jun 21, 2020 by Dyla N

Imma leave soon.
Jun 20, 2020 by y-chai