Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for BottomlessSea (page 7)

Karate Gau

Fifty Shades of Gau

The Adventures of Gau

Jun 15, 2022 by Gau
I ate your shiny
Jun 14, 2022 by BM™
Jun 14, 2022 by Gau
Congrats on the shiny
Jun 14, 2022 by Mr. Fish
Bee Pen Dimension 10 - The Edgy Side of Dimensions

"Hey, bestie? What is this?" Shrew Cart asked, poking her food with a fork. In celebration of their victory, the crewmembers of the Good Ship Pogo were making a ton of food so that Strawberry Shortcake and her friends could stuff their faces all day and all night. The problem was that she wasn't there, and neither was Spooky Simp Snake Man. And also that the crewmembers had the cooking skill of two day old children. "No idea. Looks like mashed-up bananas mixed with split pea soup to me." Bee Pen said with a shrug. The cook glared at them. "Hey, this is high-quality food! I even seasoned it with salt water!" he said. Upon hearing this, Shrew Cart suddenly devoured all of it as if it was the best thing since fudge. Then she burped so loudly that the ship rattled, which Bee Pen somehow ignored. "So, uh... shouldn't we try to find Strawberry Shortcake and Spooky Simp Snake Man or something?" he asked. Shrew Cart's eyes widened and she jumped out of her seat, tripped over it, and had to stand up again. "You're right! Come on, bestie! Let's dimension-hop to it!" "But aren't there billions of dimensions? What are the chances we'll end up in the right one? And if we did somehow end up in the same dimension, what are the chances we'd even find them?" "Who cares? Let's just do it!" Shrew Cart insisted. "Great idea!" Bee Pen replied. Shrew Cart hugged him, and they dimension-hopped. They then gasped upon seeing the place they were in. It was a city, much like Pee Bensville, except it was covered in more grafitti and the sky was dark. It also looked partially destroyed. "What... what is this place?" "No clue, bestie." Bee Pen took a few steps forward, gazing at the city in stunned silence. However, the silence was broken by a very familiar voice. "Halt!" He jumped and turned toward Shrew Cart. "What is it?" "I-I didn't say anything!" she cried, looking around for the source of the voice. Before Bee Pen could mention that the voice sounded almost identical to hers, a girl approached them. She had hot pink hair like a flamingo that was multiple feet longer than she was tall, glittery bright red eyes that were redder than red blood and more glittery than glittery glitter, glow-in-the-dark plastic vampire fangs that were somewhat green, a magenta dress that flowed like water from a hose with holes in it that had splotches of red paint on it and reached down to her ankles, one pink and one black shoe, so much makeup that it almost hurt to look at her, blood red eyeliner, and cat ears. Bee Pen and Shrew Cart's jaws dropped simultaneously. Under all that makeup and dyed hair, she looked just like Shrew Cart, and sounded like her, too. "Shrew... Shrew Cart?" The other Shrew Cart immediately became angry. "DON'T CALL ME THAT! MY NAME IS CATHERINE MAG'ENTA ALZHEIMER'S GOOSE NORTHEAST!" she shrieked. Neither Bee Pen nor Shrew Cart could comprehend what she had just said, understandably. "Why do you look so much like me?!" Shrew Cart asked. Catherine looked at her and scoffed. "We look nothing alike, you preppy poser! I'm the most beautiful seven year old girl to ever walk the streets of Kansas!" Tears then started gushing from her painfully red orbs. "W-Why doesn't anyone understand me...?! I'm so h-h-horrible and... and PATHETIC!" she wailed. Then she stopped wailing for a moment to see if Bee Pen and Shrew Cart were pitying her. They weren't. So she glared at them and continued to wail, but was interrupted by a heavy sigh. A boy stepped out of the shadows. He had midnight-black hair in an emo hairdo that was partially tied around his absurdly large gold earrings for reasons unknown, coal-black eyes, a ripped-up ebony t-shirt, a pair of pants that was as dark as shadows, and shoes whose color resembled the color of my toothpaste, which is black. Bee Pen and Shrew Cart's jaws dropped again, as he looked vaguely like Bee Pen. "Oh god, who are you?" Bee Pen asked, almost afraid to hear the answer. The other Bee Pen sighed heavily again. "My name is Archibald Benson." he said emo-ly while attempting to brush his black hair out of his black eyes. "Um, bestie? I think we should leave now. These guys freak me out." Shrew Cart muttered. "Yeah, same here." Bee Pen replied. But before they could hug, Archibald Benson spoke up. "But the concert's just about to start." he said gothically. "Concert?" "Yeah. We were gonna listen to my top ten emo songs from every single emo band on the planet, but we decided it'd be better if Deathberry Bloodcake sung edgy Kirby songs instead." he replied edgily. "Uh... what?" "You should really come to the concert even though I hate you both! It's gonna be so cool!" Catherine exclaimed, her glittery red orbs glittering like bleeding stars on a moonless night. She then grabbed their wrists and started dragging them around with her superhuman strength, Archibald Benson following gothically. It wasn't long before they reached a stage, which was black and red and downright painful to look at. Catherine tied Bee Pen and Shrew Cart to their seats and sat down next to Archibald Benson, talking about how much she loved the flavor of hair dye. "This... escalated quickly. If only we'd dimension-hopped..." Bee Pen groaned, struggling in his chair. "Don't worry, bestie. What's the worst thing that could happen?" "We're stuck with them forever." he replied. Shrew Cart immediately started screaming and thrashing around in her chair. But then the two of them noticed the girl on stage. She had a bright red mowhawk with blood-red tips, blue eyes that revealed so much depressing sorrow and simpiness, and an outfit that nobody cares about enough to describe. She was also three feet tall, just like Strawberry Shortcake. She grabbed a microphone as Kirby music started playing. "NOW THAT I'VE STALKED YOU AND YOU'VE KILLED MEEEEEEEEEE, LET'S TALK ABOUT ALL OF OUR EMO MEEEEMORIES! HAND IN HAND, REMEMBER ALL THE EDGY DAAAAAYS WE HAD?! LIKE A DREAM, EVERY LITTLE THING MAKES ME MAAAAAAAAAAAD!" she shrieked into it, her voice sounding like she was out of breath and had a sore throat at the same time. At that moment, to his horror, Bee Pen knew it was going to be an absurdly long day.

To be continued...
Jun 8, 2022 by Gau
its morbin time (pisses pants)
Jun 8, 2022 by Gau
2 hours from now
“You’re a simp hahahaha xd” vs. “I will take your life you psychotic disgusting fool!1!1!2!!1’wjwnwnwnnhwjeididjajj (pisses pants)”

I tried very hard not to laugh at that.

Failed miserably.
Jun 7, 2022 by Gau
Primy hru? Its been like a month since im here
Jun 6, 2022 by Chaos481
Primy :D
Jun 6, 2022 by Chaos481
Yuya the Goggles
2 hours from now
Oh yeah. He got diabetes, and that's why he's buried under an animal carcass in the middle of nowhere.

Funniest thing I've said all day.
Jun 6, 2022 by Gau