Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for BottomlessSea (page 144)

Jul 13, 2020 by Gau
She is older
Jul 11, 2020 by BottomlessSea
Is SnivlerTheSnivy your little sister or older than you?
Jul 11, 2020 by Iridacea
Jul 8, 2020 by Dyla N
You may change the name if you would like
Jul 8, 2020 by BottomlessSea
Name:Dave (I’m sorry I’m not that creative with names)
Appearance:Tall, black hair, blue eyes, slender, wearing plain white shirt with jeans
Personality:Calm and serious, isn’t angered easily but when he is, he gets REALLY mad.
He doesn’t like the groudon champion
Jul 8, 2020 by BottomlessSea
Kyogre God of the Ocean . God name Kacey , god  appearance  Red hair, sapphire blue  eyes. Light skin . He has a “ go with the flow “  attitude most of the time but gets angered eaisly by his brother (Groudon)  he wears a blue tee over jeans . His item is the blue  orb. He displays it in a glass case.

 Champion OC guidelines
What region are you from?
Anything else i beed to know? (Optional)
Jul 8, 2020 by Dyla N
*gets lawn mower*
7 seconds ago by PrimalKyogre

How dare u
Jul 8, 2020 by y-chai
I never said they were undeserved
Jul 7, 2020 by BottomlessSea
Hey, why'd you say that earlier? I'm curious why you think my points are undeserved.
Jul 6, 2020 by Amethyst