Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for Calquischezlerynop (page 16)

75% to the way of 1000 WE WIN THEESE
Feb 12, 2021 by Calquischezlerynop
How dare thou
Feb 12, 2021 by Haze
Feb 10, 2021 by themodernage
I'm not on my computer right now, and i probably won't be until friday. I probably will be able to play mc on weekdays but I have bedrock
Feb 10, 2021 by themodernage
Ahhh! I meant to start the pokemon live fic kast night!!! I’m sorry i’m runnibg behibd! No wirries i’m still pkanninv on jt i just don’t know when eslucally wuth a new idea fjrmibg in my mind (not  necessarily  A pokemon one but jt could be see gladion Aethers wall)
Feb 8, 2021 by Dyla N
It’s fine! I should’ve remembetd the appoinment lil lribabky tommrrow night h’lk do up a bit of the story
Feb 6, 2021 by Dyla N
Uh primal confirmed that. I'll just hide my comments.
Feb 6, 2021 by Hoenndragon
Ack’ yhen that means i missed you i’m so sorry! We had to go to an appoinment and i didn’t have wifi
Feb 5, 2021 by Dyla N
Well i like those sets!
Feb 5, 2021 by Dyla N
Deoends on your time zone i’m EST so like RN it’s 8:53 pm.

I’ll go post the fic and Bella’s  OC so far uf you get a chabce to review ut lemne know whatcha thknk and i’ll try to gary too heres hoping i don’t butcher him XD and thanjs a ton for all ths help!
Feb 5, 2021 by Dyla N