Don't know why, but I've never been a fan of Lumiose City, Castelia City or any other perspective 3D scenery in recent Pokemon games. Maybe I'm biased, but I'm a bit upset to see Sun and Moon taking a fully 3D overworld. Love all the starters though, and the Sun legendary has changed my mind about which version I want.
May 11, 2016
Do you do anything about questions with bad answers? One of my questions needs a better answer but it stopped appearing on the unanswered list because I got a bad answer.
May 6, 2016
Ahaha sounds fun. GL with that :D. It's good experience as well for when you're sitting the rest of your subjects in year 12. ^_^
Apr 25, 2016
I'm not even a perfectionist just half the people around me P:
What accelerated subjects are you taking? Humanities stuff?
Apr 25, 2016
I am wondering about a thread idea I have, and I don't want to clog the Meta with a suggestion. How about we have a Tournament thread? Not the Showdown type, but the 3DS type. Flash Clash is coming on us soon and I think this could help the site, and I'm sure it wouldn't be too much of a hassle
Thanks for reading!
Apr 24, 2016
Rick Gastly
It sucks honestly, because of the pressure placed on my school by previous years & asian parents.
Accelerated subjects huh? Depends on what subjects I guess but have fun with that :D. Workload is annoying tho, especially if you're taking accelerated since your foundations may not be particularly great.
Apr 24, 2016
How'z lief in melb
Apr 24, 2016
Hoopa-U kinda deserved the ban though, it was pretty unhealthy imo
Apr 22, 2016