Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for Hexahedron (page 6)

Hitman Absolution
Jun 25, 2017 by Pikamaster
OK original account is blocked, let me know if anything arises with the new one.
Jun 14, 2017 by Fizz
Sure, that's completely fine. However, I'll only block the account after they've gotten an account working, in case something changes and they want the original account back. Let me know how it goes -- apparently this address works a bit better: http://pokemondb.net/pokebase/confirm
Jun 13, 2017 by Fizz
How do you n?
Jun 8, 2017 by Toucanadian
remember that thing you told me about two months ago that got Famey banned or something? you never told me what it was
Jun 5, 2017 by Pikarilla
i forgot like half the stuff i used to know, now whenever i answer a question i have to triple-check bulbapedia/serebii or something in case i heck up
Jun 1, 2017 by Flommo
i know but 1k points isn't super difficult to get i think
idk i don't answer as many questions as i should anymore oops
May 31, 2017 by Flommo
woah frickcake you're almost an expert
May 31, 2017 by Flommo
i killed your magikarp
May 26, 2017 by Flommo
May 25, 2017 by Pikarilla