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Wall for Hexhalem (page 14)

Oh mathematics, it's the usual thingy which we're taught in school lol, algebra, calculus and the sort.
I don't know about making a gender section like this it's just too difficult for me I guess lol.
Philosophy is a large subject, I guess, thinking is actually one of the most beautiful parts that I can think of, I love "thinking", as a whole, lol.

Yeah!! Nirvana is a place of perfect peace and happiness, like heaven.
A sum-up of Hinduism.. Hmm.. Actually it's veryyy huge, like you can't explain the Bible in a few words, right xd. I've read this History's article about it and it pretty much does explain it, ig you can have a go-through of it too https://www.history.com/topics/religion/hinduism
Oct 1, 2021 by vydestiny
aaah, genres are interesting, gotta learn that i guess.
sadly, because soundtrap is a browser DAW, it doesnt have VST, as for the other plugin, i dont know cause i am new to music. but soundtrap is definitely really good, it is one of the DAW that is recommended for people that are new to music (like me). but its free feature to loops is pretty small.
could you suggest me some good free DAW? i might need it for more stuff to do, but im still fine with soundtrap (but still suggest me some:))
i have finish my first song! but its only loops, but they advice that new music maker should just do loops for the first time. and i think im gonna make some changes into it. its less than 1 minutes, and im gonna upload it to my second channel (why not).
im gonna tell a little story here. so remember when i tell you that music is just a side hobby/job. i do this because of my sister, she want to become a singer and her voice is really good. so that motivate me make music.
and thanks for helping me in music, if i need help im gonna go to you, thanks hex!
Oct 1, 2021 by Chaos481
Hey Hex,

I'm not sure these suggestions will be 100% up your alley but I think both bands are killing it at the moment especially Spiritbox with their debut album. Let me know whatcha' think of em'.

Sep 30, 2021 by Lorna Shore
Ayo Hex! Sup my man :)
Sep 28, 2021 by RaidenTheSworded 雷電
I love walks, too! It refreshes the mind (till I could make of it lol) and makes one feel overall better :D.
"All's well that ends well", that's most certainly true!
Exams went pretty nice, especially Mathematics so my parents are happy too, lol. School drains a lot, yeah, xD.
And yeah I love the gender section, it's greeaat!!
Dinner was nice, mother's sick so we ate something plain, lol.

Btw, you like philosophy? I'm kind of interested in it, I'm, like, I wanna know the deeper meaning of "life", actually. There're a lot of things explaining the meaning of life in my religion's religious texts and all (Hinduism, idk if you've heard of it but it's great :D), but I've not yet got time to read any, lol. But yeah, philosophy interests me and so does Mathematics x]!
Sep 28, 2021 by vydestiny
i think the genre is the same as that song i give to you, or this https://youtu.be/2mrf2ogIKbo or this https://youtu.be/-F27KYuaE7Y
is the software is the DAW? if it is i use soundtrap. and whats amazing about that? its uses browser, so i use chrome to make music with soundtrap. and it could collab too!
thanks, for helping me:D
Sep 28, 2021 by Chaos481
OH NO IT ISNT SAD OR ANYTHING it's just... beautiful. I gotta go eat dinner rn so reply better later ;;, but nah mate it isn't sad!!! don't change it it's aesthetic!
Sep 27, 2021 by vydestiny
Hey mate! I haven't been on Discord since your last message [irl stuff + exams ;;], so how's everything going now? Feeling better? And damn your Gender section is.. I don't know how to describe it, life is painful, but has joys too.. Reading that gave me something to ponder upon..
Sep 27, 2021 by vydestiny
i need to talk about this. remember my project about my first music? its a disaster:(

im gonna start a new music porject:D
i hope you could help me when im confused:)
Sep 27, 2021 by Chaos481
Yeah, I checked it out! I love how the background shakes, and I also like how it's now your Grav!
Also, it was just some good music!
Sep 24, 2021 by Puncuation Leader