Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for Hexhalem (page 16)

im still making it, and is image-line studio free to use?
Sep 1, 2021 by Chaos481
hello, what DAW did you use for your music? or did you play your own instrument? im using soundtrap for my DAW
Sep 1, 2021 by Chaos481
Haha yes The Pokeman!

Ooh that's kinda sad, I don't know if he still comes on but I think you should ask him for another way to stay in contact. Afaik, people here usually stay in contact through Discord or Email. :)

I hate to admit it but I forgot what exactly Quackers F.C. was. xD
We're gonna make it bigger anyways!!

I have an idea for you. It's not about me, but about you.
An idea like no other.
Start by figuring out the riddle with the swords and apples, but, really, if it's too hard, just remember the words:
I don't know.
~ Dearly,
Lord Hex"
Well that's one way of persuading me to give up on the riddle. xD

"By the way,
"~As I slit his throat, I looked in his unblinking eyes and realised too late that he wanted to live."
This one gets me somehow. I don't know why.
What were you thinking with it? :)
It's a little quaint. Somehow curious to me."
Oh this! This is something called 2-line horror stories. The initial line usually build up a scene and the second line has the darker twist, in this case being "I knew it to be true, because mirrors don't lie."
There are subreddits of these and Youtube videos covering those subreddits. Its definitely not the most scary stuff out there, but I like it because of those dark twists. Similar to the "will you f*ck me?" in Blasphemy!

That sure was a book worth of text sir!!

A gravatar? I don't have the skill or time to make it right now but I might sometime in the future.
I think it'd be a girl who looks innocent and beautiful at one glance but as you look closer and notice the smaller details, some darker aspects would be revealed, through eyes, scars and Arceus knows what not!
Idk man, this kinda stuff always gets me. xD
Aug 31, 2021 by xPsydxck
An "unconscious hook"? Interesting. I wish I had that sort of unconscious hook too!

"Hahahahahaha, I meant, instead of engraving* it on my stomach and sending that in the mail, of course!
I assure you, the alternative of a "vocal approach" is gruesomely horrible! I meant like, if you need my tag somewhere, I can just tell you.
No need for anything darker, please now -oP..., don't get hasty here!
It's just a tag!"
I love how you wrote "-oP..." cause my username is so complex. xD
Alright I get it, lets keep this Pokemon site clean of dark stuff. I love that kinda stuff tho. :)

Hell yeah! Every art has some emotions behind it, a whole experience condensed onto the canvas!
I could legit write college papers about how that particular wallpaper affects me, but I think that'd be too much. xD
Another art which affects me in a similar way is the grav of this user: https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/user/MK+42
I didn't even know who was in the grav. Weird stuff haha.

"You feel your stomach wondering about Koi and Diversa, the two dragons infiniting around each other for all eternity, wondering who is the other?
Each atom, Proton and Electron, no Neutron for ever! :)
Each cycle, each a frequency, like music, like art, like energy, like ME!
Yea, this stuff that Mathematica comprehends so well. Cycles. Energy. Life.
Go on, live, breathe, be free, sing, ajoice, alive, alive, again, around all things comprehend not darkness more than light, neither light more than darkness! Balance, purity, change, comprehension of True Observation, let it go on in your chest a sing,
yea, sing me a Saga, O Psyduck, as an alive flower has sprou- Ahem, I think you got me a little too carried away with talking arts...."
Ofc course I did! :sob:
That is WAY too much for me to absorb; I now feel bad for not knowing how to react to that. That must've taken so much effort to form!
Aug 31, 2021 by xPsydxck
yoooo its cool, im pretty new to music industry, maybe you could help start?:)
Aug 31, 2021 by Chaos481
Well, that's good. Being alive is fun. XD

I'm good, mostly doing the same old stuff: playing video games, writing, reading, and eating. At them moment, I'm trying to fill up my Pokedex in Sword. I'm very close, got about five more to go. Then I'll Shiny hunt once I get my Shiny Charm. And my obsession with Danny Phantom just keeps growing. I had a dream about the show even though I've never watched it. Which is really somethin'. XD
Aug 30, 2021 by Gau

Oh Arceus, these links are so long they break the limit.
Don't ask me how I found these images. xD
Aug 30, 2021 by xPsydxck
Hate it break it to you but I think I know where this is coming from. xD
Aug 30, 2021 by xPsydxck
Dayummmm 30 mins is a lot for a single game. Progressing must be really hard in that game.

Hell yeah, the classic! I honestly wish I was born in the balkans and old enough to play the game properly in 2000. That was where the game was most famous and its golden time. It reigned supreme until 2011 where it started fizzling out, especially after the launch of CSGO. :/

Still no idea even after the hint on the apple and sword riddle. xD

I haven't actually watched the movie, I read all that in a comment on the song and wanted to share that with ya. :)

Haha I know the feeling! Figuring out when a dark joke would fit the convo instead of making you look like an outright insensitive joke. I take special care in that cause a jerk is legit the last thing I'd wanna be called by others. xD

Yo the interface of Pokeforest is so nice! Its been updated to SS too so ig you still put in work in that. I like how you can change the pokedex to its shiny form with just one click. Specific pokemon pages however don't work, and I think that's what you meant by it doesn't work. Its a nice website overall.

NOISYSPA THO!! That's such an amazing website!! WHY HAVE YOU NOT PUT ADS THERE ANYWHERE? Its so good I don't think an ad at the bottom of the page would affect anyone; there's so much empty space so fitting ads wouldn't be a problem either.
My favourites are Heavy Wind, Thunder Clap, Earthquake, Internal Volcano and the whole Void & Cosmos part (ik, really weird choices hehe). :)

Oooh that's such a life saver man, I need not stress myself over censoring it every time now. **** yeah!

Dayum I kinda guessed it there, so you're 24. :0
Aug 30, 2021 by xPsydxck
wait, u have SONGS?!
Aug 30, 2021 by Chaos481