Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for Hexhalem (page 18)

I see you changed your grav a couple of times. Really like this new one. The nature and its beauty never fails to attract me! And sunset on a lake shore? Hell yeah! Aint there on way I wont  admire that!
Aug 8, 2021 by xPsydxck
Buack? Huh? That's hilarious! XD
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if we end up creating a whole new language of ours with quack. XD (That's a joke lmao creating a whole language would be one heck of a job.)

"Hard to observe, am I right?"
Nicely said, and that indeed is the same reason Im an atheist and dont believe in God. :)

Yessir, I really want to make music but cant for a year (the same thing I mentioned before, I'll be way more active after a year). And yes, Dubstep. And any kind of EDM along those lines, in fact. :)

Glad that you liked Overkill! :D
There's a drum cover of it by someone named 8-bit drummer if you're interested in that. I cant link it cause I cant use Youtube for now (the same reason I cant listen to the songs you linked) but I'll link it later FOR SURE!

Haha ikr! Never have I ever been disappointed by Excision before!
The thing I loved the most about the Subtronics remix and original are surprisingly the vocal cuts. They are so energetic and add a whole new vibe to the song!

Aug 8, 2021 by xPsydxck
Oh okay, that's understandable. I respect your privacy man. :)

I did actually listen to Blasphemy (because there's NO way imma not listen to something with an advised viewer discretion lol) and holy sh*t. HOLY FREAKING SH*T! That's instantly become new my favourite song! How did I not hear that before? That "will you f*ck me" makes the song a thousand times better and you cant tell of otherwise. Turns the song from a seemingly wholesome one to an extremely dark one! I was literally like "whaa?" when she said that with my law dropped. XD

Damn 8 years? That makes me feel like a newbie who discovered Dubstep an year ago. D;
I wish I could be more active on the internet when I initially discovered it, in 2015. But ig there are some things about life you just cant change and gotta accept the way it is. :')
Im still excited for next year when I'd be WAY more active than I am now tho!
Aug 8, 2021 by xPsydxck
Quack! :)

Hey you're probably right, I did like Warm Ups a lot. And by a lot, I mean enough to add it to my playlist!

Thanks for saying that man, I couldn't listen to all the songs you linked because I didnt get to use my laptop today. I did get it yesterday, but I ended up wasting time somewhere else and could only listen to the songs in the first wall post. Hence, I replied to only one wall post yesterday.

Ooh I see, I looked up both the characters you mentioned. The one-eyed tentacles guy looks really awesome. Its eye is so beautiful! The second guy's face definitely wasnt the most appealing to the eye but the overall character looks badass too! LoL is an RPG, right?

Oof that sucks. I wear spectacles too but their power is still under one so Im glad bout that. I have Myopia btw so that doesnt really affect gaming.

Nice! Those are all classics!
Before answering your question, I'd like to ask you how old do you think I am? Would be fun to see your guesses haha! :)
Aug 7, 2021 by xPsydxck

Yoooo that actually makes sense, there are indeed ducks in the distortion world!

 And guess what they do? THEY GUACK FOR GIRATINA'S SAKE!!! xD

Oh alright, I understand sample packs now. Thank you, I'll make sure to check out some packs on Slice! :)

Wait you listened to Nya and didn't realised something? THAT SOUNDS ALMOST THE SAME AS IMMUNITY! You know when I was listening to Immunity I was like "hmm... I think I've heard this before... hmm... what was tha- oh yeah... this beat... this beat sounds familiar... it was... it wa- NYA!" And there we go. That's how I realised that. xD
I reckon you listen to it again to find the similarities.
Here's the link again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=impx63aTEcY

Haha glad that you got that. ;)

I listened to both (unfortunately) the VR songs you mentioned. The first one is more of a 2014-2018 era Dubstep imo, more filthy and funky beat based.
The second one tho, that was something worth adding to my playlist! :)
It was more of a Riddim song, I'm actually surprised it was made in 2015, Riddim wasn't really a thing back then. Must've been something new to the table back in the day haha!

Lmao you need not worry about my speakers, I use headphone cause my parents would never allow me to bang ear-tearing Dubstep in the house! xD
I listened to Dead Link and ooooooooh them wobbles man!! Blew my ears apart haha! Had to turn down the volume on this one, ngl.

Oh I see I see well sad that I didn't pick up the joke on that one. You always seem to have something funny going on in your mind man. xD
Aug 6, 2021 by xPsydxck
Zee Ecks Oh Es
Aug 2, 2021 by BM™
Also I've made a "Quackers F.C." in my bio!! ;)
Aug 1, 2021 by xPsydxck
Wdym by "I can't get into it here in any way"? Are you stuck in a place where you don't have the time to make music? Or don't have sufficient resources?

Heyy ghost types are one of my favourites too! And I'll choose Hex in the spooky way. xD
The eerie has always fascinated me too. Spooky things always catch my eye. That also explains why I think goth girls are the best girls. I LOVE those spooky wallpapers in some songs, they're a nice addition. Although I don't really believe in the existence of ghosts cause I always believe in logical things. ;P

Yes, I've always wanted to make music since 9th grade. Although I won't give up everything else for the sake of making music. I'll just make music as a side hobby even when I have a job. That's something I like about making music, you can do that aside your current job. Just answered the quack-of-the-day sir!

I checked out Nercromanca and its really good. Its more sharp than filthy, if you get what I mean. xD

 Try this out:
Aug 1, 2021 by xPsydxck
(I'll fit all posts in a single post cause I'm running out of wall posts lmao I only got 5 of them.)

I listened to Excision's Sample Pack and HOLY SH*T that's one of the best things I've heard in my life! Do other artists have sample packs too? And what exactly is a sample pack?

I checked out Immunity and I want you to check out this song after listening to it. xD
Boy, you're gonna be surprised!

Omg yes Virtual Riot I've heard about him a lot! I checked my playlist and apparently I have "Pray for Riddim" and "One for all, all for one" by him in that. I need to listen to more of his songs tho cause I often confuse Virtual Riot and Riot and think I've heard his songs haha!
Speaking of Riot, have you heard "Overkill"? Its arguably their most famous song and kinda famous in the Dubstep community. Though I'd have to say, its hella loud and not the kind of stuff to listen to before going to bed! xD (Or is it? You'll only find that out at the end of the song!)

Yooooo don't get me wrong but idk why I hear "Bring it b*tch" in that song. D: That word's pretty common in Dubstep songs so I wouldn't be surprised if that's the actual song.
Speaking about the second link, I think you sent the same link by mistake cause I don't hear any "Give me a B" in that song.

Ooh I see I see well I haven't really played LoL before but I was thinking to try it out someday. Its a classic with a really big community.  And hell yeah, you expect these kinda games to have top notch graphics!!

Ayo what's that I'm not familiar with Hellman's mayo, it ain't available in my country lol.
I see you're a true gamer man, those are sh*t tons of references right there. xD
So what do you play most games on?
Aug 1, 2021 by xPsydxck
Quack! ;)

Quaaaacccckkkk!!! I love it when ducks quack irl, they're so freaking cute!
Quack is the way of life! :)
Aug 1, 2021 by xPsydxck