Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for Hoenndragon (page 11)

Me also I duno ran a wild guess
And you know what I wrote a very very long answer in Stickies on my old phone and then

I deleted it >.<
Feels so bad lol
Mar 8, 2021 by vydestiny
And ye for me it was funny xD
One time joke only as he may feel bad as its his real name I guess
Mar 8, 2021 by vydestiny
Yes I'm good. I have a dream. Rank 1 in grade 8 final exams. Just preparing for it. Hope I can do it! (Gues what? I always fall short by 1 to 3 marks x ()
 15 minutes ago by hoennseptile

I agree. I get so frustrated when I fall short by 1 mark.
Mar 8, 2021 by ~BlazeFreeze~
And Swas Swasing lmao what xD
Mar 8, 2021 by vydestiny
How's your nuzlocke?
See my profile to see my brief nuzlocke
Mar 8, 2021 by ~BlazeFreeze~
Hii long time no see again xD
How are u? Doing fine?
Mar 8, 2021 by vydestiny
Mar 8, 2021 by ~BlazeFreeze~
oh hi!
Mar 8, 2021 by ~BlazeFreeze~
Nothing was wrong with your answer. The asker simply appears to think SadisticMystic's was more helpful (which I can see, as it does provide a bit more information). Your answer is not wrong or bad, however.
Mar 7, 2021 by Amethyst
I can't see anything that indicates somebody is going out of their way to down-vote you.
Try not to stress about down-votes. If you post lots of answers, it is inevitable that you will receive down-votes. Sometimes you will never know or understand why, and that's simply too bad.
Mar 7, 2021 by Fizz