anyways, lets be friend:D
Sep 3, 2021
i actually dont know, its been a while since ive played PS! because of school task adn unite push rank(im still great 1), and that poison team is new, so i might be lower ladder.
Sep 3, 2021
Yep ya think your all set and then the moment comesand its sometimes as though you never praticed at all.
Sep 2, 2021
Dyla N
Oh i assumed you enjoyed the crowds etc i wouldn’t say i have a stage fright buy i am shy so going on stage is ontrestingadd being blind and its a real party XD. When i did Elementary School drama club I always have my roles memorized and typically other peoples as well lol but when I go into high school I always knew my lines until the day of the show and then I ended up forgetting them they just went “whoosh” out of my mind almost every time But we managed and no one seems to notice
Sep 2, 2021
Dyla N
Wow that’s cool! I bet you’ll do great!
Which part doesn’t sound fun? The unoform or being on stage? I can’t omagine you have stage fright since you perform in matching band.
Sep 2, 2021
Dyla N
Omg you poor things XD I HAD TO WEAR A Salvation army uniform once for a play shirt, jacket (pined) skirt AND hat sl i lnow how uniforms are i couldn’t imagine it in sun bleh XD.
Sep 1, 2021
Dyla N
You don’t appear to be dead though XD. Was it because it was hot or other drills as when you have to do? Do you know like exercises they make you do I hear some things like that have a house
Aug 31, 2021
Dyla N
Aw thanks i’ve wanted to change it but not sure what to. It came from two songs
1. Dance Little Jean
2. My Maria ( fiercely Marie it was changed to Marie but still)
I I don’t mind if you say peoples names it’s totally up to you just didn’t want you to get in trouble and you’re not stupid.
Aug 31, 2021
Dyla N
Anah its Anah XD. None of my siblings are here either i just it was tabu to say real names not that i care in fact i tell MY first name (Jean-Marie) even mods said i could tell my first name
Aug 30, 2021
Dyla N
I’m surprised you just came out and said it. So i’ll return that
My 21 year old brother is named Joshua but we call him Josh or J-J (his middle name is James)
My 18 year old brother is Corbin
And my 13 hear old sibling (they’re non binary) is Anah-Leah born a girl but claimes to be NB
Aug 29, 2021
Dyla N