Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for J™ (page 45)

“Early enter”

Half screaming half going “woah eep wah! Weeee” finally  i decided on htsteric laughter i litterally sounded insane XD JUST IMGINE A FOUR FOOT WLEVEM NEON PINK AND PYRPKE BOUNCY BALL HUMAN ON A DIWNHILL SLOPE GOING “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Oof (sounds drunk) i’m okay wheeeeeeeee (lands) hahahahaha”
Dec 22, 2020 by Dyla N
You say after like we’d have a way to conract eachother. I do have an Email if you want it and i have facebook.  If you piked that one heres another ;)

My “yard sale ”
Sp there i was skiing away and i “catch an edge” meaning no one really lnows what happened.  First i lise a pile to one side, and a ski followed by my other pile and ski going the opposite way . The funny part here tho is that i wound up doing unplanned sommersailts  for a bit XD. I landed flat on my back half screaming and half
Dec 22, 2020 by Dyla N
Sure  I would literally be punching blind LOL

Okay well heres one fail story.

Me my brother (he’s deaf) and our guides were all skiing away when first my brother hit ice and fell on his butt and slid down, then his guide also hit ice and fell on their butt my guide trued yo get me around but nooooo i fell on my butt and joined my vrkthef then ny guide a 60 spme lady who’s awesome also joined us so we were pig-pilled together  in fromt of a LOT of people XD
And thanks J for ta lnow not being no longer my friend i hope your right about the others
Dec 22, 2020 by Dyla N
Oh i said that thing abkut people hating me because i’m pretty sure GA’scmors pipluar here than me and sp i’m willing to bet  thatvnlw that she and i aren’t friends i’ll have a smaller friends list. Soon.

As for MMA o don’t really lnow not the nasty stuff but the kind used in self defensse or lnes that have a history  and meaning. Skiing was fun i say was vecause i don’t go anymore the prigram changed so i’m not really allowed some new rule that if yku’ve gone a lot in the past your low orikrty and aren’t allowed. I could tell you about my epic falls i laigh now and i laughed then but i wouldn’t want to scare someone away from trying. XD and i’d rather you slept than answered it’s all good
Dec 22, 2020 by Dyla N
um.. sorry if that hurt you but I don't like stall becoz I lose to it easily and never understood it. So yeah I don't like stall.
Dec 22, 2020 by Hoenndragon
Dec 22, 2020 by Gau
Hey i’m back! I wonder how much of this site will hate me for fighting with GA

Anyway i’m geberally chrioys  how does one tryout for bowling? Like  do you need to get a certain score or something? When u played ut was a team but a “just for fun” team bowling and Skiing are really the spirts i do. I wanna skatebiard/roller skate and sniwboard buuut theres no blind or visually impIred teachers for that oh and some MMA is cool XD
Dec 22, 2020 by Dyla N
Ahh well at least you’d be healthy XD oif gtg ear ttyl
Dec 21, 2020 by Dyla N
Dec 21, 2020 by Gau
You like bowling? That’s awesome i used to bowl but i suck i was actually part of a team tho. I’m shrprused yiur still i. School jt’s christmas week

I’m goid! Just reading a lor
Dec 21, 2020 by Dyla N