Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for Kameko (page 5)

I'll try to be in the DB server all the time I can today. PM me if you come online and I'm there, since I'm likely to have another tab open.
Nov 16, 2013 by Fizz
Nov 2, 2013 by Rio
Hex's Haunted House Tournament, Round 2: Your CC's are 1-1-0

Please refer to the OP for instructions on how to Apply your CC's in the Teambuilder.
Oct 22, 2013 by Enoch.EXE
Infernape, please stop adding pointless junk to your answers like "hey [username]" and "hope i helped you". It clutters up the answer. Thanks.
commented 4 days ago by Pokemaster
Oct 21, 2013 by Ninja
Pokémaster didn't tell me to not add my signature ! and also if he did it doesn't matter, becouse it isn't against the rules. mind your own busness
Oct 20, 2013 by (Luc)ario
Oct 20, 2013 by (Luc)ario
Hey Pokenibz, could you please stop ruining all my posts. STOP EDITING THEM ! It is not your buisness if i use a salutation or not so stop it.
Oct 19, 2013 by (Luc)ario
Hi. :D
Oct 17, 2013 by Adam.
Oct 17, 2013 by RedtheLEGEND
I know what you wanna talk about. Me copying and pasting anwsers from different sites :(
I'm sorry. I'm just not good at explaining questions. That's why I copy and paste.  Again I'm sorry and I won't do it again.
I just wanted some points so O could be like you and Hex and all the other mods and editors :(
Oct 17, 2013 by RedtheLEGEND