Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for KitkatKK2 (page 24)

Chapter 2

I thought it was haunted

Alex didn’t look entirely happy that i’d just threatened to blow her mind.actually none of them did. “Well, if you’re gonna stick around you might as well be knowledgeable about what goes on here.” I said matter-of-factly Sam said “knowledge is good.” Though she sounded i’m convinced i would be helpful especially when she added “how old are you anyway Airika?” I stood straight-backed and proud as i said “almost 15” Hearth made a sign that i think meant “oh great a kid.” Bltz nodded in agreement, which was annoying. So i said “so? I bet none of you knows how to cure an Ekans Poison, or knows what berries are safe to eat.” Magnus said “c’mon guys at least she’s willing tp help did you see anyone else checking on our crash site?” I  dress  “thank you Magnus.” Then i saw someone...float? To the ground carrying a tea pot, she wore a magenta dress with blue and purple swirls on it, black leggings and lavender boots. I shouted “Casey!” Just as a golden “I” appeared in front of her then she was literally frozen in shock i stared wide-eyed at her then looked at everyone else. hearth looked triumphant and i lnew he’d summoned the “I” i spluttered “what the? Huh?” Just then Casey thawed out and her tea pot attacked Hearth by throwing itself at him and summoning a price blob that locked Hearth flat on his back as he no longer looked triumphant and was shaking his fist Angrily which University meant “curse you crazy tea pot” okay it wasn’t that specific but still. Casey said “serioysly? Is that how you treat a girl?” She didn’t sound mad just annoyed. I walked over to Hearth, reached my hand out and promptly got it shoved away. I said “er sorry?” Hearth, realizing i hadn’t been threatening him, also apologized...i think he made a fist and made a curdle around his hearteageist . Bltz said “he says sorry too” yay me for being rught. As i helped i Hearth up i asked Casey “you alright Casey?” She nodded saying “i’m fine but Pilteageist isn’ happy” i looked at Polteageist, who was conversing rather animatedly with Skye. I said “i see that” Casey  looked at Akex, Magnus, Sam, Bltz and Hearth as if she’d only realized they were there. A tea cup appeal out of nowhere and balanced in midair Hearth stared warily at it apparently he now had tea cup-phobia. Everyone else stared  awkwardly so i sighed and did introduction. “Okay listen up all! alex, Magnus, Sam, Bltz and Hearth meet Casey ny friend and rival. Casey this is Alex ex band Magnus, they’re dead, Sam’s a valkyrie, Bltz is a dwarf and Hearth is a deaf elf who apparently throws magical letters.” Hearth, who’d been read-ding my lips glowered and aligned something translated by Magnus as “they are runes from our world  Hearth is a sorcerer” i said “yep magical alphabet called it.” Then Casey said “well i specializes in the supernatural, this is definitely supernatural so i’m stocking around.” Alex, who’d bee quiet  said “well we aren’t” Casey and i exchanged a look. I said “uh yeah you are.” Alex countered “no we aren’t we’re nit here by choose we lute-rally fell here ebesides you can’t tell us what to do were your superiors” sam tried to stop Alex but she was too late before i realuzed what had happened i was pinned by a vaguely Mightyena shaped thing with mismatched eyes that was promptly yhrown off by Esmerelda. Then i called “Skye use psychic!” Quick as lighting a pink glow enveloped the fighters. They separated but not before i noticed that the Mightyena thing looked scared and upset. It turned back into a human...into Alex. Both Casey and i blinked in fascination at thex gurl.”woah”  Casey breathed. I jumped up and over to Esmerelda but nit to coonskin her. “Esmerelda i executed better behavior from a Salamence your age she didn’t TRY to attack me i think she was just nervous. Though if i turned into Pokemon when i got nervous i think i’d never be nervous again.” Magnus was helping Alex up as i returned Esmerelda tp her Ultra Ball. I turned towards Alex, expecting her to still further away, instead she was literally right behind me. “Gah!” I jumped about 10 feet up. But calmed down and said “sorry about Esmerelda she-she thought she was protecting me she wouldn’t have meant tp hurt you.” Gawked and stared at me. “What?” I said. She answered by saying “why are you sorry? I attacked YOU first she had every right to...defend you. And um good guess i am WE are all nervous we as you said, don’t know what to do here...” i stopped her by raising my hand it was obvious she wasn’t typically the apologizing kind. “Nah no prob nut mow that Casey’s here were both gonna teach you.” Casey squeaked “we are?” I nodded “yes, yes we are starting...now!” I slammed an imaginary wristwatch and bowed  to everyone. “Follow me, actually ...FOLLOW THAT BEEHEEYEM.” I shouted and ran after Skye who was zooming towards Hau’Oil city.
Apr 5, 2021 by Dyla N
Well, I didn’t see that message till just now and I’ve already written chapter 2 but  that’s pretty much what happened immediately froze Casey but Airika  didn’t explain who she was till after she thought out which being in Alila  didn’t take very long at all then eageist Shadow Balked himhere i’ll post ch2
Apr 5, 2021 by Dyla N
Oh okay got it thanks!
Apr 5, 2021 by Dyla N
Sorry i left had a call and i can’t chat and  be on a call at yhe same time as k use my lhone to chat,

I also realized that for later we’ll need at keast natures for the MCGOA gangs pokes for now though let’s focus on story!

I’m yhinking for chapter 2 “Casey gets ice Tea) or something it’ll pick up where 1 left off Airika was about to explain about pokemon i think whike she’s doing that Casey will call her and be like “stay away from route 2” which is where she already is, then Casey can hang up and appear causingthe twa scene er how does Airika explain Casey? They’re friends but you saud Casey was called to investigate is she lihe in the International Pikuce?
Apr 5, 2021 by Dyla N
Below is chapter 1  that I have titled “ two dead people, a Valkyrie, xwarf and an alpha fall from the sky “ casey’s not here yet i’m not sure how to  introduce  Her  or what her relationship to the other characters would be if any
Apr 4, 2021 by Dyla N
MCGOA/Pokemon crossover

Chapter one

two Dead People, a Teenage Girl, a Dwarf And An Elf Fall From The Sky


“Skye use EnergyBall!, Esmerelda use Flamethrower! Aim high!” I shouted as loud as i could, okay i didn’t TEALLshout but hey why not? Skye my Beeheeyem and Esmerelda, my Salamence were perfectly capable of hearing. I watched in  unsuppressed amazement as a lime green and bright blue ball flew from Skye in perfect synchronicity with A stream of orange flames that spewed from  Esmerelda’s mouth . Now  you’re probably wondering “why those two moves they’re polar opposites aren’t they?” Well technically yes but imagine swirling orange fire surrounding a lime green and bright blue  Northside ball is spinning in mid air it looks awesome...well i think it would...if we could successful do that but as unpracticed as we are on combination moves it’ll take...awhile. After the smoke cleared i thought i saw...a tear in  the otherwise flawless Alolan sky, then said tear opened and well five humanoid shapes were quite l literally slat out like the sky was sayibg “pfft gross! Ew! Yuck! Bleh!” Skye and Esmerelda seemed to realize this as soon as i did and next thing i know i’m sidesaddle on Esmerelda and Skye is hit on her rail as we soar at what felt like mach 2! As we got closer i saw the space rift seal tight and disappear seamlessly. “Hello?!” I called out, no answer at first then “ow” said a voice from below they sounded less in pain and more “did we really just do that?” I landed a few feet away and saw...yep 5 people, a blonde guy, a green haired...girl? Boy? Odd that i couldn’t tell, a girl in a green hijab, a guy with a beard and another blonde guy though the second blonde guy was signing but I’m pretty sure were a lot of curse words. “Um, h-hello? Are you all alright?” While they detangled from each other i noted the green haired person seemed to be remake. I say “seemed” because i honestly couldn’t tell. The first blonde guy, the one who had “owed” finally broke free of it’s companions, stood up and introduced everyone, Including himself “uh yeah hi there, nice to meet you...i think. I’m Magnus these are my closest friends, Sam.” He pointed at the gurl in the hijab who i now saw also carried an axe. Magnus went ob “that’s Blitz” he gestured at the bearded guy who was complaining about his ruined clothes i realuzed he was no taller than me and i was under five feet. Still Magnus went on “that’s Hearth he’s deaf and can’t talk but he understands everything.” Thus introduction was aimed at the other blonde guy who’s been cursing in sign language but was now glowering at the sky he’d been rudely spat out of. Before Magnus finished the green haired person interrupted him”hey what about me? Aren’t we close?” I had to stifle a giggle, whom ever this was i had my suspicions as to just how close they were to Magnus. Magnus said “i was saving best for last.” The green haired person said “i know but hurry up already  we have no clue where we are, how we got here or how to get back.” Sam cleared her throat and said “Alex, relax i mean look around were on a tropical island!” Ah i thought so that was her name, Alex. I interjected their dialogue “u’m glad no one’s dead from that fall and i’m Airika also the island is calked Melemele Island and it’s part of the Alola region.” “Actually” Alex said two if us are dead those being Magnus and yours truly.” I blinked Skye floated over and zoomed around the quintet. Sam backed away as fast as possible, Alex just looked amused, Magnus shrined, Blitz  look at Hearth like “how are you not terrified?”  Hearth himself was complexly infused by Skye’s approach. I said “now Skye it’s rude tp hover and um you don’t look dead.” The latter was aimed at Alex who shrugged  Magnus said “were Einharji” “i said “you’re inner what?” Sam piped in “they’re warriors who died bravely in battle” i thought i was a kind of warrior but i hadn’t died...as far as i knew. I asked Sam “are you a warrior?” She smiled and blushed while saying “y-yes but i’m very much alive i’m a valkyrie“ at least i had heard of those but i didn’t see wings. Finally i asked “what about Hearth and Blitz?” Blitz himself answered that forcing Magnus to take over translating to Hearth. “Well miss i’m a Dwarf you know hi-ho and all and Hearth’s an elf though he has absolutely nothing to do with Christmas do you even have Christmas here?” I rolled my eyes. Duh didn’t everyone have some kibd of Christmas? They looked at me like they expected me to blow up. “What?” I couldn’t help sounding defensive. Magnus said “o’m a son of Fray.” Well that was random Alex said “me and Sam are children of Loki.” Again random much? Then Hearth signed something to everyone and Blitz said “he wants to know why you seem just fine with all this knowledge“ i stared incredulously at them all “am i suppised to bow? Or something?” Sam said “no no it’s not that it’s just most people don’t just go with the flow when the learn they are in the presence of dead teens, dwarfs and elves ket aline valkyrie even more all the an
above.” I grinned “yeah then people are rather close minded besides you’re in Alola k
Now i’ll help you get back but first it’s my turn to blow your minds”
Apr 4, 2021 by Dyla N
Stanford Pines and Bill Cipher are tied for best characters imo
Apr 3, 2021 by Inactive
Omg yes I love gravity falls! Sixer is awesome name tho omg, 10/10 gravity falls reference
Apr 3, 2021 by Inactive
Awsome! Thank you! What pokes wull shs have?
Apr 3, 2021 by Dyla N
Bella was the updated character list with the new age and my OC
Apr 3, 2021 by Dyla N