Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for L'chonk (page 2)

It depends on if I work or not. I’ll update you. It’s no problem.
Dec 28, 2023 by Anchor9
You challenge me when you’re ready around this time. I’ll float on Showdown till about 6:45 A.M.
Dec 28, 2023 by Anchor9
How about today. I’m ready.
Dec 28, 2023 by Anchor9
Ok. I may have to work Friday, but I have a plan for Thursday or Friday if I work that day. I get up around 6:15 A.M. my time for work. I could battle around 6:15 A.M. to 6:45 A.M., or 12:15 P.M. to 12:45 P.M. for you. I get home from work around 6:30 P.M. my time, or 12:30 A.M. your time if you stay up that late.
Dec 28, 2023 by Anchor9
Unless you stay up really late and could play around 9 P.M.-10 P.M. your time when I get off work on Thursday.
Dec 27, 2023 by Anchor9
Friday around 10 A.M my time should be good.
Dec 27, 2023 by Anchor9
I have been revived from the dead.
Dec 24, 2023 by L'chonk
nah its just something funny https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/user/BottomlessSea used to post so now im doing it for him
Jun 10, 2023 by melcakes

it is two a ricroll1!111!1!!!
Apr 26, 2023 by Gau