Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for L'chonk (page 17)

That's disturbing
Sep 6, 2020 by Iridacea
oh. you watch cowcow too. nice
Sep 4, 2020 by themodernage
Damn you live in Brooklyn? I live in Queens
Aug 29, 2020 by CC ☽
Do you have a facebook account??
Aug 29, 2020 by user74534
Aug 28, 2020 by user74534
ht is stating what happened
Aug 27, 2020 by iloveflareon
"I'll be honest, Ferb, I'm having a hard time putting a putting a positive spin on this. But I guess that's life, huh? One minute, you're having the best day ever, the next you're being fed to a monster the size of a two car garage."
Aug 26, 2020 by Hellfire Taco
My guess is I am being shunned, much like a social pariah. I AM a Digimon on a Pokémon website, after all. It’s fine. I’ll just continue to make the internet a safe place despite the hurt I feel. My time will come.
Aug 26, 2020 by Blue & Gary
I don’t know who you are so how dobyouvknow i changed nane
Aug 18, 2020 by Dyla N
hello me
Aug 18, 2020 by L'chonk