For the physical wall, try Aggron. It can set Rocks, laugh at physical attacks and OHKO a variety of Pokemon with Head Smash. Personally I find Band Aggron more effective than physical tank variants, but both work. Steelix is also an option, but it's offences are pitiful and do not rival Aggron's whatsoever. Though a Curse set with Gyro Ball could work; just be wary that doing a set like this leaves you more vulnerable able to attacks, so you'll need to support Steelix for the set to work. Aggron is more independent though; the raw power it provides needs no backing up.
I am not 100% what makes a Pokemon a threat to you, so I'll just go though and write something for a few of the Pokemon I see often.
Uxie is probably the most popular support Pokemon in General, mostly because there aren't any clear cut counters to it. Taunt kills it though; the best Pokemon at doing that is Aerodactyl as Uxie can't out speed Aerodactyl. Otherwise, overwhelming it with super effective attacks is the best method of KOing it. Escavalier, Spiritomb and other things that can use moves like Pursuit and pack a resistance to Psychic are also good counters, as with prediction you can take a chunk out of it as it switches of smash it with Night Slash or Megahorn or the likes.
Slowking is another wall that needs careful prediction to kill. It just doesn't die. If you hit it with a move that does under 50%, it'll annoy you with Slack Off and Regenerator as it switches. Generally you need to pursuit it to death; if you see a Slowking on the foe's team it Team Preview, make keeping a Pursuit user alive a priority. Escavalier can counter it also; but only it it out speeds, which is actually unlikely unless the opponent is using Trick Room on it, in which case it'll be slower. Escavalier can OHKO with Megahorn no worries. But if it misses, be prepared for the possibility that it will burn you with Scald. Trick is probably the most efficient way to shut Slowking down; a Scarf or Band will screw it.
The last mention I'll make will be Cinccino. One of my favourite Pokemon actually, and for a good reason. Cinccino gets Technician and Skill Link, two amazing abilities that actually give you a hard decision on which to chose. It's movepool is also very emitting for it with Tail Slap, Rock Blast and Bullet Seed all in its movepool. It has underwhelming Attack, but a Band will fix that. Oh and btw, King's Rock is stupidly popular on it thanks to the 48% chance the opponent has of flinching when it is hit by a multiple-hit move that hits 5 times. The best way to counter it is the use of a Steel. Aggron, Steelix, Escavalier, they all work. Rocks works as well, but Cinccino often uses Wake-Up Slap (Technician) and Aqua Tail (Skill Link), so be wary. Steels needn't worry about Wake-Up Slap really since they have high Defence; and you can switch into a teammate that can deal with the move. Spiritomb is Cinccino's biggest problem out site of the world of Steels, as it takes nothing from Return and Tail Slap and screws it over with Will-o-Wisp. Cinccino is 2HKO's by a lot of decently powered attacks thanks to its disgusting Defences, so Scarf users that hit hard like Scarf Entei can OHKO/2HKO it easily. Though Entei has Rock Blast to worry about; it the opponent's Cinccino has a Scarf, Entei will take a lot of damage.
Nov 20, 2013