Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for PX (page 4)

hey man i like goth babes too
Mar 16, 2023 by CC ☽
hey PX could you shorten Dmub's ban for alt account to maybe like 2 days or something? He didn't know that alt accounts were bad and looked down on, so yeah. Sorry for the hassle with Dmub and stuff
Mar 16, 2023 by PeeKayFreeze
Yeah he is, I don't think he'll be on during school tho. I probably won't be either
Mar 16, 2023 by PeeKayFreeze
Thanks again! o7
Mar 12, 2023 by CinderClod
what is on your grav and why do i want one
Mar 8, 2023 by ケンサさん
While I'll admit my mouth is sometimes a problem as I have been known to say what I think, I am at least someone who keeps their word. So, I'll promise you that my mouth will remain shut in these matters, and if it should open again in an offensive way, then you may ban me permanently. As for y'all living your lives in peace, I respect y'all's life, though I may not agree with your choices. But, that's as far as I'll go there. From here on, you have my word that my mouth will be sealed in these matters. Despite my opinions, I'm sorry for the offense I caused and I hope you can accept my apology.
Mar 7, 2023 by TheRaptor
Mar 7, 2023 by TheRaptor
1. Sorry for the offense.
2. I realize that just because I say "no offense", doesn't mean it's not offensive. I meant that there was no offense meant.
3. I won't back down from my viewpoint, but I'll shoot up about it from now on. Sorry
Mar 7, 2023 by TheRaptor
Yes it’s Robo, Prometheus, and or R-66Y. :P
Mar 3, 2023 by Staka~