Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for PeeKayFreeze (page 10)

No, you and me both lol -- it's pretty funny :P
Feb 3, 2023 by Amethyst
This is Rocketfox's essay but translated again lol
I think it's funny that the opponent in the game can only use 4 mania and you can use 6, it makes the game easier and more fun. Where to start... Start hunting successfully with our Pokémon series. The team is good. Everything in Bica is wrong for me, my friends are very happy. If you see a cow at level 20-24, the Pokemon is thirty years old. Earthquake in Taurus on the fifth day after his last exercise. an angry bull with an iron face. Dragons don't care about their castles. Alakazia's sensitivity increases to three damage, her attacks are fast and powerful. Alakazam also beat Morty at the select table. Heads, crowns and weapons do not work in large battles. While Bosses are weak in defense and can be replaced by very skilled attackers, Bosses can be replaced by Pokemon with good defense.
See how much water you can use in this wild simulator? You work a lot. You can have multiple files, the server can use different files. Why doesn't the cow jump at the end of the game? Ampharos is a well-preserved and lively town. Get a taste of football before then. Amharon's Super SP attack (it gives more) is more useful against Death Bugs than the Pokemon they encounter in the first gym. 5 Polurath Order two Air Juries Claire Type, 7 pkm E4 or higher. The costume also comes with a half jacket. What a game - two two two games, BHOKEMON II WEDNESDAY II 1-5!!!! It's so brutal, technically you can scare someone with a very strong blade, but if you want to use 6 energy, like others in this thread, comment. I say why Lapras is the best choice with Lance and six Pokemon. Gyarados is probably a good addition to any team. There are five slave Pokemon in the game, HM is the sixth friend. He said if I stay in HM and switch tables I'll do Gyaradu. But I see my team as a team. This team works well against lanes 1 or 5, with no defensive advantages against lanes 1, 4, 5, and 8, and no defense against Elite Four and Dragonspear Cradle. The gyroscope is still not a good solution because it doesn't recognize "rotation". No one likes three phones and two people for example.
Feb 2, 2023 by PeeKayFreeze
Bellibolt (F) @ Assault Vest  
Ability: Electromorphosis  
Shiny: Yes  
Tera Type: Fairy  
EVs: 228 HP / 28 Def / 180 SpA / 44 SpD / 28 Spe  
Modest Nature  
IVs: 14 Atk  
- Muddy Water  
- Discharge  
- Tera Blast  
- Parabolic Charge
Jan 30, 2023 by PeeKayFreeze
Roy gets that timid cyclizar this is that special marked and often uses shed tail to switch outward for battle.
 -there individual academy, and it where turo and sada first meet.
 -both professors (and their ai) am presented
-the characters am send the onto past and future; rika and penny the on future, roy and arven the on past (nemona only doese exist apparently (joke))
the -in future, penny and rika walked onto that store full for iron bundle in shelves.  The on backward the for store, those're attack by 3 shiny iron bundle.
 -multiple iron jugulis the attacked characters the originate sky
-unactive iron valiant am being produced on that factory.  Those enter the outward factory in conveyors, where those have spray paint.  Individual for rika pokemon knock an iron valiant the off conveyer, making it "shiny", and awaking it.  Rika battles and catches it, the prevent noise the for battle the awakens other iron valiants, that person began to the chase girls.  Those ran onto that dark, abandoned construction to hidden, and penny trips, awakening an iron hands.
 -rika and penny arrived upon that factory to confront ai turo, prevent to those stepped on, that discharge is launched, and those look ai turo and he is a miraidon launched the against wall.  Several miraidon the roam factory, and in top for that heap for scrap and machine parts, that titan shiny miraidon looks through the upon girls before launching itself onto an electro drift attacked.
the -in past, roy and arven have catch upon on that battle taking 2 scream tail.  Their pokemon have trapped on that hyper voice, prevent those managed to pushed through, attacked, and escape.
 -arven and roy found themselves on that lush forest, where three shiny flutter mane appeared on that broke the on trees and the attacked boys (the shiny flutter mane appearing the taking bright sun shining in them is that reference the to flutter mane glitch).
 -roy and arven have chase by ferocious sandy shock launching various attacks, and those ran onto that cave to hidden.  The to sandy shock ran the past cave, roy knock that pebbrue onto that sleeping roaring moon.  That wakes upon and the angers roaring moon, and it starts to attacked.
 -roy and arven eventually reach that field taking break boulders and koraidons roaming around.  Ai sada and woman of koraidon am launched against that boulder.  In top for that hill, that titan shiny koraidon taking that strange marked looks through the upon boys before launching itself onto that collision course.
 -with roy 2nd to lasted pokemon barely standing and action beat, cyclizar pops outward for it poke ball and the confronts koraidon.  Koraidon swipes taking that dragon claw, prevent noticing cyclizar similar marks, stops the upon lasted second.  It revealed this cyclizar the is ancestor the to titan koraidon
Jan 27, 2023 by PeeKayFreeze
-Roy gets a shy Cyclazar who has a special tag and often uses Thrown Tail to get out of battle.
- There is an academy and this is where Turo and Sada first met.
- Both professors (and their AI) are present.
-Characters are sent to the past and the future; Rika and Penny in the future, Roy and Arven in the past (apparently Nemon doesn't exist (just kidding))
-In the future, Penny and Rika walk into a store full of garbage on the shelves. Behind the shop, 3 shiny metal beams attacked them.
- Many iron jugulists attack the character from the air
- Brave passive iron manufactured in the factory. They leave the factory on a conveyor belt, where they are sprayed with pesticides. One of Rika's Pokemon hits Iron Valiant off the assembly line, causing it to "burn" and wake him up. Rika fights back and catches him, but the sound of fighting awakens the other Iron Soldiers and they start chasing the girls. They storm into a dark abandoned building to hide, and Penny leaves, waking up Iron Fist.Rika and Penny arrive at the factory to confront AI Tur, but when they enter, an evacuation begins and they find AI Tur and Miraidon leaning against a wall. A few Miraidons entered the factory and watched the girls before the Miraidon Titan, glowing over a pile of junk and car parts, launched an Electro Drift attack.

-In the past, Roy and Arven fought with the 2 Scream Tails. The Pokémon were trapped in Hyper Voice, but were able to escape, attack, and escape.
- Arven and Roy find themselves in a lush forest, where three glowing Flutter-Mane emerge from a crack in a tree and attack the sets (the glowing Flutter-Mane appearing in the sunlight refers to Flutter-Man - Disturbance).
- Roy and Arven are shocked by a wild Sandy, who attacks several times and runs into a cave to hide. As Sandy shivers in the cave, Roy smashes a rock against the moon crying himself to sleep. This awakens and enrages Luna Roaring and begins to attack.
- Roy and Arven finally reach the playground, the rocks break and Koraidon runs away. AI Sada and his Koraidon threw themselves against a large rock. Atop the hill, Koraidon, a shimmering titan with strange markings, looked down at the boy before heading to the battlefield.
- With Roy's other Pokémon barely standing and well beaten, Cyclizar exits the Pokeball and faces Koraidon. Koraidon attacked with a dragon claw, but spotted a Cyclizar-like shield and stopped at the last second. Cyclizar is revealed to be the ancestor of the Titans of Koraidon.
Jan 27, 2023 by PeeKayFreeze