Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for Poke'slash (page 7)

You only have two souls in the morning? Everyone knows for a healthy balanced breakfast to keep up your energy you have to have at least four, if you can get enough. In which case three is okay. Are you poor? Is that why you only have two? Also, what kind of souls do you eat, female or male? I prefer male, the testosterone gives me an extra boost for sports.

Other than that, I usually have a good, healthy amount of female fanservice, that's my secondary meal. Primary meals are souls. Other secondary meals for me include the breakfast cereal Soul-O's, and toast with Buttered Soul on it. Do you have your Souls salted or sweetened? Just wondering.

BTW I found it VERY boring. What happens after the Arachne arc?
Sep 13, 2014 by Victini Victory
Religiously huh? That's the only way to watch Soul Eater. Personally I lost interest around episode thirty, before it was really funny, interesting and cool. Ah well, there were only like twenty episodes left. The theme song was awesome at first, then they changed it and wasn't so good. I didn't like that whole Archane or however you spell it thing. Does it end?
Sep 13, 2014 by Victini Victory
Sis, you must know, that Excaliburr has 1002 provisions right? He add or takes it a few every now and again. Don't be so hasty as to assume a perfect 1000 from our Lord
Sep 12, 2014 by PX
Yes! The Victory of Victini has returned! Plus a cute gravatar. I see you're still worshiping Excalibur the Awesome, slash.
Sep 8, 2014 by Victini Victory
Dunsparce FTW
Sep 7, 2014 by Distortion Keeper
im not offended that im not on your friend list but im hurt that im not a sister
Aug 31, 2014 by melcakes
Lookie! I'm  on the first page :D
Aug 23, 2014 by Mosmic Dragoon
Fool! I have been here for two years!
And thanks. :3
Aug 13, 2014 by Poke'slash
Fool! My legend began in the late 14th century!
+Happy 2 years :>
Aug 8, 2014 by MonoUmbreon