Friend Codes:
Black 2: 2753 4747 1626
My Friends List:
JirachiCelebiMew: To me it doesn't matter that you are banned from being a gender and are exiled. You'll always be that nice, funny dude who I loved to talk to on chat. This will never change.
Gligurr: SOOO sorry I forgot to put you here buddy. Anyway used to be like a role model but now you're yeah and I'm like lol okay so yeah.
Rio: That awkward first time we met xD. Anyway since then we've become very good friends and shared many a conversation. I wish you'd update your site more, and that you would come on chat more often. Never see you around.
DarkTyphlosion: Not trying to suck up to the mods, you're seriously a cool, funny guy who showed me the cutest scarf I have ever seen! You're an awesome dude, hope you stick around the site longer.
ReadyAimFire: My God the times we've spent together!! Can't even recall all of them, there are too many! You, me and Flare are the power trio!
Meow(something)Meow(something)Mewtwo: Best time ever with you with all the hugs and whatnot :P
MrKijani: You are hilarious!! I love talking to you on chat and hearing you say funny things.
Lust for Glory: Don't know your current name but I miss seeing you on chat. Same with Oncoming$torm.
Oncoming$torm: I miss talking to you, we had some nice convos. And then our convos with Leboss!
Indigo: Cool, funny and smart. Love talking to you.
About me:
^Negative Space
Name's Victini Victory, but you can call me VV. My birthday is October 24th. And...well, most people know me well. I reign supreme as I have the highest points out of any Registered User...on Meta. I'm a very cheerful person, unless you're a good friend in which case we will have many deep, political and possibly disturbing conversations. I try not to make things awkward and basically everything is about food in my eyes, because I love food.
Oh yeah, and Twinkle is my true love, and you must ship VV x Food, and Ninja x Hate and Rio x Depressing everyone by leaving.
Pokemon Y records:
Starter: Fennekin
First Evolved: Fennekin --> Braixen
Second evolved: Flabebe --> Floette
Third evolved: Bunnelby --> Diggersby
First Pokemon caught: Pikachu
Second Pokemon caught: Bunnelby
Third Pokemon caught: Flabebe
First Kalos Pokemon caught: Bunnelby
Second Kalos Pokemon caught: Flabebe
Third Kalos Pokemon caught: Amaura (Through Fossil, actually)
First Pokemon Traded: Pikachu
Second Pokemon Traded: Braixen (I got my brother's Quilladin in return. It's for the Pokedex, so we traded back)
Third Pokemon Traded: Bagon
Team type: ALL Kalos Pokemon, except for Mewtwo.
Team (so far): Greninja, Delphox, Florges, Meowstic, Yveltal, Mewtwo
Official Team: Mienshao, Haxorus, Hydregion, Durant, Jirachi and Rayquaza
If you're wondering why I change my name so much, well...I don't know. I can't stick with one thing for too long, I guess. That being said, check out the list.
My username changes:
Munchlax Forever =>
=> Victini Victory =>
=> MagikarpShouldBeUber =>
=> Beautifly Blade =>
=> Victini Victory =>
=> Raised By Wolves =>
=> ElectricShockRotom =>
=> Ayan =>
=> Ayan (idle) =>
=> ElectricShockRotom =>
=> Ayan =>
=> KICKBOT' =>
=> Ayan =>
=> Victini Victory
Somehow, I always find myself coming back to that one name.