Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for PsychicX1 (page 3)

Sup. If you are receiving this generic message, you are either an Expert, a Mod, or an Editor that is either Lurking, Inactive, not always here, etc. I come here to humbly ask if you saw and or wanted to be a part of this: https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/meta/68283/a-super-staff-bros-for-pokemondb . It wouldn't be "Super Staff Bros" without you, and I'm sure if you ever see this, even if it is a while from now, I am sure you'd be added in a heartbeat, since you are technically why this was even made. I cannot add you without your consent because I don't know you or what you'd want to be in the form of a Pokémon, set, etc, and feel that I may misrepresent or even offend you.

Also, I am sending this message Christmas Day, so, Happy Holidays. :P

Thank you for being an amazing member of this community.
Dec 24, 2018 by Staka~
Oct 3, 2018 by Pikamaster
Time for me to log out for a while.
Oct 3, 2018 by Pahff
Time for me to log out for a while.
Aug 22, 2018 by PsychicX1
What time are usually online at the DB showdown? I've got a new UU team that I'd like to play against you, I could need some feedback as well. It has been working out pretty good for me on the ladder, I'm currently on 1450. :)
Aug 19, 2018 by Jofly
Not 100% sure when I’ll be available to battle for the tourney. I’m on vacation today and tomorrow, and I gotta get my summer hw done when I get back xd. Will you be available sometime over the weekend?

Lol I can’t believe I actually made it to the finals.
Aug 15, 2018 by PsyKlone
When can you battle me?
Aug 11, 2018 by sumwun
My man! :D

Deserved it.

Also, you called it the moment PX announced the tourney, are you a psychic irl?
Jul 21, 2018 by Emty
Mike look me straight in the eyes and say "Ahegao is anime"

Go on, I dare you.
Jul 9, 2018 by Emty
wow, you've been here for eight years, nice.
Jul 8, 2018 by Hórus