Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for SpillThePolteageist (page 25)

Imma pass on the invite but thanks anyway.
Jul 27, 2018 by PsychicX1
Is that like, a cutout printout?
Jul 24, 2018 by Clobboot
I didn't realize how monster, mega Sceptile's special and speed was. Well, I guess that's the way to go then. Might as well start saving up my BP to buy a new mega stone. It sucks cause I have like every mega stone in moon vanilla, they did so many mega stone giveaways when it first came out. But none for ultra and I have no way to transfer them over.
Jul 23, 2018 by Ralphieb2t
Jul 22, 2018 by PsyKlone
You need to stop posting discord links.
Jul 22, 2018 by Clobboot
From liking sceptile to mareep... They grow up so fast
Jul 22, 2018 by stall_fest
Not sure if anyone has brought this up to you, but I'm going to now.
Please don't comment useless things, such as "first" or anything along the lines of that, on questions and answers. It's annoying any the only thing that it does is clog up the recent activity page.
Jul 21, 2018 by Hellfire Taco
Cool. Mine is LeafyBladeSceptile.
Jul 21, 2018 by PsyKlone
It's interesting that you chose to use a special Sceptile, you don't see that too often. I'm stumped, although it's Sp. atk is a bit higher, it seems as though it's got better physical attacks and more to choose from. What do you think? You ever use a physical one? What's your set up for that.
Jul 20, 2018 by Ralphieb2t
Jul 20, 2018 by EvilTwinNeedle™️