Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for WhoGotzDaFud (page 12)

Hey, if you use sumwun, I'll use H-Taco!
Go! H-Taco!
WhoGotzDaFud sent out sumwun.
sumwun used HARSH CRITICISM!
It had no effect!
H-Taco's Spellcheck(Ability) activated
He explains how you should use netiquette and not talk in all caps, which made Harsh Criticism not effect himself.
H-Taco used Grammar Police Raid
It's super effective
A critical hit!
sumwun fainted!
H-Taco gained 98 exp points.
WhoGotzDaFud handed Stakatacool 8000 poké dollars in his defeat.
WhoGotzDaFud: #foreveralone
Stakatacool: GG
Mar 20, 2018 by Staka~
Oh hey. Someone actually decided to use me.
Mar 20, 2018 by sumwun
Yes, but are we more evil or good? Is it possible to be more or less of one?
Mar 20, 2018 by Staka~
Just wanted you to know that there is a constant struggle between being good or evil. That is what evil looks like.
Mar 20, 2018 by Staka~
T̕O̶͠͏ ͏́M̨E̷ D̵EM͞O͠N̕͠Ş ͝O͘͟F̵ ̶̶TH̡̕͠E͢ U̡N͟͞D̨ERWO̧͞R͘L̵̕D̴͟ ̧T̸A͞KE T̀͞H͟͏I̶̕S̷ FR̛͜AI̵L̢͟͝ ̸͡B̷̴̢ƠD̷Y̵ ͜ÀS̶ ͏Y̧͡O̷̧̕U̸R̛S
Mar 20, 2018 by Staka~
Deleted it, for a better.... It was a RIOLU
Mar 19, 2018 by Helix716
I only give those once i decided on what to do for said person. i'll give you one
Mar 18, 2018 by Staka~
Your good.
Its fine
Mar 17, 2018 by WhoGotzDaFud
Sorry dude!
Mar 17, 2018 by Helix716
Bro I'm going to post these 2 ribbons in my wall
Mar 17, 2018 by Helix716