Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for cranpper (page 23)

Can i bully you?
Jan 17, 2020 by Syl ™
I'm not a bully, and I don't want to bully or be bullied, Jimmy...
Jan 17, 2020 by Gau
'the polar express is not trash. If it’s watched in moderation
  Jan 6 by Jimmy⠀'

Jan 14, 2020 by iloveflareon
Jimmy is a geezer standing in the dusk, mesmerized by the gulls.
Jan 12, 2020 by Felix⠀
Jimmy is NOT Chinese.
Jan 12, 2020 by Hellfire Taco
jimmy likes a girl pokemoN!!!! he has a crush!!! lol!
Jan 11, 2020 by Hellfire Taco
Posting this here 5 days later because i forgot you asked for more

It has been 5 years since the gatekeeper found his oreo. Unfortunately, there was an attack on the hamster home by the Orange Orangutans clan, one of the 3 dynasties that ruled over the pet store. The others being Red Jorts and Grey Oreos.

One of the professors who joined the Orange Orangutans was none other than H. byleTh. No one understood why his name was capitalized like that but no one questioned it. He wielded the legendary weapon, the Dart of Creation. With it, he was able to incapacitate his enemies after 17 seconds.

Everyone though the gatekeeper was dead after the siege, however he actually survived. He wanted to raise the spirits of those whose loved ones and jobs were lost in the siege. However he could not reveal his identity, because he contained the power of portals and if the Orangutans figured out he was alive they would catch him and use him for their nefarious plots. So he disguised himself, putting on a red shirt, shorts, and to obscure his face, he created a spherical mask. This spherical mask was divided into 2 parts the top was red, while the bottom half was white. The division between them was black, and he carved out a face so cartoonish no one would think it was him. His method to raise moral was to give everyone his balls.
Which looks like his mask.

That, is the origin story of Ball Guy, savior of the universe.
Jan 8, 2020 by An Asocial Moth
Jan 8, 2020 by Felix⠀
But Fizz is your dad
Jan 7, 2020 by Syl ™
Also it has vocals so if you dont attempt to sing that part i will be pissed
Jan 7, 2020 by Felix⠀