Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for mailjiggly (page 2)

Thank you for the recommendations :) I'll be sure to get around to them all!
Apr 10, 2015 by Sophisticles
Apr 9, 2015 by mailjiggly
Yo, I'm a bit late on this but whatever. Please be use formal writing when asking or answering questions, always use capital letters and try to use decent grammar. If you want to talk informally, use people's walls or the chat room. You'd save Experts like me a lot of time, editing your questions for you. Thanks!
Apr 9, 2015 by PX
i don't know how to change my name ):
Apr 8, 2015 by mailjiggly
I'm sorry, did you change your name?

If not then, I'm sorry, like it states on my profile I am very absent-minded.
Apr 8, 2015 by Sophisticles
Oh, Ok, Thanks.
Wait, Why Did I Capitilize The First Letter Of Every Word?
Apr 6, 2015 by mailjiggly
You are funny XD. I don't know what I was thinking. Oh and a thread is basically a post that will recieve multiple answers in the way like your example reference.

Seems like you and I will get along. :)
Apr 5, 2015 by Sophisticles
sorry I've been gone, i've been v ery busy recently.
Mar 24, 2015 by mailjiggly
Im catching ut 2 u!
Also, havent seen u fo a while
Mar 23, 2015 by Hellfire Taco
Because it didn't answer the Q, and the Q had answers before
Mar 13, 2015 by PsychicX1