Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for mailjiggly (page 3)

I even have cressalia
Mar 8, 2015 by UmbreonLover456
I've caught many mirage spot pokes tho
Mar 8, 2015 by UmbreonLover456
Thanks for making me feel better! I appreciate it! :)
Mar 8, 2015 by UmbreonLover456
That was random
Mar 8, 2015 by UmbreonLover456
400 points!
Mar 6, 2015 by mailjiggly
yeah, he has such high attack stat and 2 amazing abilities. to bad he doesn't have any other stats to back that up... Just kidding! his speed: he's slow enough to be on a trick room team (like crawdaunt). but he should get a mega, let me add that, and a few others.
Mar 5, 2015 by mailjiggly
Go lurk needs a mega more than Amything on that list
Mar 4, 2015 by Tad
can someone make a banette plush and put on amazon so i can buy it since there are none?
Mar 2, 2015 by mailjiggly
well mega rayquaza is op.
and how is wobbufet banned?
Mar 1, 2015 by mailjiggly
Looking at your wall I can explain why some of them won't get mega's.
Dragalge, I dragon poison type that has a mega? That is way too OP.
Lapras, Again would be way to OP.
Wobbuffet, He is way too OP AS IS.  He is banned to ubers already .-.
Ninjask, He already has a special effect type thing when evolving (Shedinja)
Raichu, To be honest it won't because Pikachu is the most recognized pokemon.  They want it to stay that way.
Bisharp, Bisharp doesn't need a mega.  It is fine as it is and would AGAIN be too OP with a mega.

I just felt like saying that :P
Mar 1, 2015 by PZ15