Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for themodernage (page 1)

Not bad at all. You?
Jun 12, 2024 by Amethyst
The true sigma
Jun 12, 2024 by BM™
Well, Mew did lose recovery moves like Roost and Soft-Boiled, so...
Also, yeah Slowbro didn't get banned via suspect, but RU may take it in July, so I won't be suprised if Slowbro doesn't stick around longer when July comes. :P Talonflame  Defogging in OU just reminded me that if OU steals Moltres from RU, RU might steal Talonflame from NU, which would be quite a shame since Talonflame is the best hazard remover in NU right now.
Jun 12, 2024 by -RisingManectric-
Also, what in the world is that D rank in the SV OU Viability Rankings? Are there reasonings for those Pokemon being there?
Jun 12, 2024 by -RisingManectric-
Yeah, Specs is used since Tera Fire with Fire moves like Overheat and Fire Blast allows Scovillain to break past its "resists/checks". Sun imo is the number 1 thing that needs action to be taken. After that, probably Mew since it's Nasty Plot Draining Kiss set is stupidly good at tearing apart balance teams, and potentially Basculegion because there aren't much checks that want to switch into it. Some NU players are even considering action for Oricorio-Pom-Pom (that Oricorio form has a history of being banned from NU lol), but I've yet to see Oricorio-Pom-Pom in action. Basically my top 3 things I want action taken on is:

1. Sun
2. Mew
3. Basculegion

Aand maybe some action on Lycanroc-Dusk when Slowbro leaves the tier, soo... yeah.
Jun 12, 2024 by -RisingManectric-
Yeah, Sun's been really problematic in NU lately ever since people started using Specs Scovillain on Sun teams. It's all because of a few games in NUPL. It's hard to prep for sun without worsening your matchups into other team archetypes. Hopefully Sun gets some sort of a nerf, wheter it is a Drought Ban, Heat Rock ban, or a Ninetales ban as a mid ground option. NU meta right now is basically offense dominant, with Rain being really good (Rain's my favorite NU team archetype atm), with some of it being a response to Sun teams.
Jun 12, 2024 by -RisingManectric-
Also, not sure if you play Gen 9 NU, but if you don't, one thing I find funny is that Scovillain, a Pokemon that was basically UR for practically all of the NU metas, is now A Rank because of Sun. Yes, Scovillian went from UR all the way to A Rank, and some people even voted for it to be A+ lmao
Jun 12, 2024 by -RisingManectric-
Oh dang, you're a first page user now, congrats lol. Maybe because someone started upvoting some of the movesets you posted?
Jun 12, 2024 by -RisingManectric-
Wtf when did I become a first page user
Jun 12, 2024 by themodernage
Jun 11, 2024 by Anchor9