Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for trachy (page 22)

Possibly unpopular opinion, but Zendikar Expeditions cards should not be as rare as they are. I bought a case and I'm hoping to get two, but I'll be lucky to have one.

Ulamog is an "I win" card. I play Legacy and modern Eldrazi ramp and this card is probably the most powerful Eldrazi ever printed. I could drop him turn ~4, exile two lands, and then start swinging. How are kitchen table players supposed to deal with this card? Especially in 1v1 games? In an average game, I can have Ulamog v1 out turn 5. So unless the dude is playing Blue, I'm fairly certain I can get him out and destroy two lands. This leaves him/her with 2 or 3 blockers in play and 3 land. Counter it? I'm exiling anyways. Even if I don't deal damage, I'm going to mill you out. The only threat to this off the top of my head is Path to Exile.

Spoiled Ob Nixilis is dumb from a vorthos perspective. I'm excited for everything else though. Kiora's return, the tango lands, and the new Eldrazi.
Sep 3, 2015 by Ninja
History of the Sith Part 2:

Darth Nihilus: When the Exile unleashed a superweapon upon the planet of Malachor V during the war against the Mandalorians, she created a scar in the fabric of the Force. Darth Nihilus would be affected by this and would turn to the Sith. Apprenticed to Darth Kreia, he betrayed her in typical Sith fashion with the help of Darth Sion, becoming Dark Lord of the Sith. He represented one of the extremes of the Force, being so hungry for power that there was nothing else for him. The dark side caused him to hunger endlessly, and even his body was non-existant, his spirit being held within his armor. He was essentially an all consuming void, anything around him would have their energy drained. Only the Exile, herself a scar in the Force, was capable of stopping him, which she eventually did.

Darth Bane: The Sith Lord who revolutionized the way the Sith operated. Darth Bane was merely a part of a larger Sith Empire. However, he grew disillusioned with the ruling Sith and left to seek knowledge from the ancients. He found a holocron left by Revan. From the teachings held within, he created the Rule of Two. This idea would become the foundation of the Sith. The idea was that the dark side and the Sith were weakened by having too many practitioners. By having only two Sith, a master and an apprentice, the power would not be diluted. The master would train the apprentice until the apprentice surpassed the master, at which point they would betray their master and take the mantle of Dark Lord of the Sith. Darth Bane became an enemy to both the Jedi and the current ruling Sith. However, they stood no chance against somebody as powerful and clever as Bane. Darth Bane was a master manipulator, his greatest strength was in causing his enemies to destroy themselves. He tricked the Sith into activating the ancient Thought Bomb, killing all living things in a large area. This would usher in a new era of the Sith, one of hiding in the darkness and manipulating the galaxy from the shadows.

Darth Plagueis: Plagueis was not the strongest Sith. He was not the smartest Sith. In fact he was mediocre in most ways. However he was particularly skilled in one area, and that was in the manipulation of midi-chlorians. With his apprentice Palpatine, he set about the series of events that would cloud the foresight of the Jedi, as well as inadvertently lead to the conception of Anakin Skywalker. He was betrayed by Palpatine on the night that Palpatine was elected Supreme Chancellor, having been foolish enough to trust his ambitious and sadistic apprentice.

Emperor Palpatine: The primary antagonist of the Star Wars films. Palpatine is considered to be the most powerful Sith the have ever lived. He was a nexus for the Dark Side, and he developed techniques beyond imagining. When Vader says that the Death Star pales in comparison to the power of the Force, Palpatine easily shows this. He was a master of deception, able to hide his power from the Jedi. He manipulated the galaxy to bring him to power while also almost completely wiping out the Jedi. In combat there was no Sith more skilled than he. When Mace Windu went to kill him, the three other Jedi Masters that he brought along were killed in seconds. Windu lasted longer, however that was only because Palpatine was trying to manipulate things to put himself in a position of weakness so that when Anakin Skywalker arrived, he would end up siding with Palpatine. A sign of how Mace Windu stood no chance in an actual fight can be seen by how Palpatine defeats Yoda, who many consider to be one of the greatest Jedi of all time. In fact, it took the greatest of Jedi to defeat Palpatine in a fair fight, with expert duelist Luke Skywalker proving himself to be more than a match for this greatest of Sith. Palpatine was also incredibly strong in the force. His Force Storms could destroy an entire planet, and he has the ability to transfer his essence into a clone body, a technique which he used after his death at the hands of Darth Vader. Palpatine's only weakness was that he underestimated people, in particular he underestimed Luke's love for his father. The legacy of Palpatine would live on though, and the galaxy would forever be changed because of him.

Darth Vader: Once the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, Vader was turned to the dark side by Palpatine in an elaborate scheme. Responsible for the death of his wife, Vader seemed truly lost. He set himself to killing off the rest of the Jedi, and later the Rebel Alliance. He discovered that Padme had given birth before dying, and confronted Luke Skywalker about this knowledge. Luke would then devote himself towards turning Vader back to the light. Above the forest moon of Endor, Vader and Luke had a final battle, where Luke showed his mastery of the force and lightsaber dueling by defeating Vader. Rather than killing Vader though, Luke turned off his weapon and remained a Jedi. His love for Vader was strong enough to break through the haze of hatred and anger that had clouded his judgment for so long, and so when Palpatine tortured Luke with Force Lightning, he turned on his former master and killed him at the cost of his own life. His spirit would later speak to his daughter Leia, trying to seek forgiveness for his actions. Vader could have been the most powerful of the Sith since he was the living embodiment of the Force. However, his injuries during the fight against Obi-Wan on the planet Mustafar, as well as his conflicting feelings prevented him from achieving his full potential. This potential would later be met by his son, Luke Skywalker.

Lumiya: The Dark Lady of the Sith, she would prove to be a persistent enemy of Luke and his New Jedi Order. Her greatest accomplishment would be turning Jacen Solo, son of Han Solo and Leia Organa, nephew of Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade, brother to Jaina and Anakin Solo, and cousin to Ben Skywalker, to the Dark Side. She would be killed in combat with Luke. She was notable for using a light-whip as her weapon of choice, rather than the Lightsaber.

Jacen Solo: Once one of the greatest of the Jedi. Jacen Solo would be one of the leaders in the fight against the terrible Yuuzhan Vong. He faced the mastermind behind the Vong invasion, becoming a conduit for the Force. He began to believe himself above the ideals of light and dark, and it is this that would turn him to the dark side and become the Sith Lord Darth Caedus. He killed Mara Jade (one of the most popular expanded universe characters and wife of Luke Skywalker) and attempted to turn his apprentice and cousin Ben Skywalker to the dark side through torture. He became Emperor of the New Republic, and was finally brought down by a combined force of Jedi and Mandalorians. Jaina Solo, his twin sister, would strike the killing blow.

Darth Krayt: The last Dark Lord of the Sith in the timeline of the Star Wars Expanded Universe, before Disney would wipe out the canon. He was killed by Cade Skywalker.
Sep 2, 2015 by trachy
A History of the Sith:
Spoilers for the KoToR games, the movies, and the books

Ajunta Pall: The first to hold the title of Dark Lord of the Sith. Ajunta Pall was a fallen Jedi who conquered the ancient species known as the Sith, from which the Sith Order derives its name. His body and spirit would reside on the planet Korriban until Revan managed to redeem his spirit, allowing him to pass on.

Marka Ragnos: One of the earliest Sith Emperors, Ragnos didn't do much for the galaxy as a whole until well after his body died. His spirit would appear to Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma and declare them the successors to the Sith. An attempt by dark force users in the New Republic era to resurrect him was thwarted by the members of Skywalker's Jedi Academy.

Naga Sadow: The Sith Emperor who followed Ragnos, Naga Sadow would launch an assault on the Republic. This would ultimately fail thanks to the standard Sith weakness, being betrayed by one of their own. He would eventually reside on Yavin IV, where his spirit would train the fallen Jedi Freedon Nadd, after which he would be destroyed by Nadd.

Freedon Nadd: The apprentice of Naga Sadow, Nadd would conquer the planet of Onderon, where he would eventually die. His spirit would train the fallen Jedi Exar Kun, who would eventually destroy Nadd.

Exar Kun: One of the most influential of the Sith Lords, Exar Kun would reign as Dark Lord over one of the greatest periods of strife in the Old Republic. The Jedi-Sith War would span many years and across many planets, with weapons of vast destruction killing many. Exar Kun was notably the inventor of the double-bladed lightsaber, a weapon which would later become used by Darth Maul. Exar Kun would be defeated by a coalition of Jedi lead by Nomi Sunrider, a Jedi considered to be one of the greatest Jedi of all time along the lines of Revan, Yoda, and Luke Skywalker. However, they were only able to trap his spirit. He would later be awoken during the New Republic era, where he would influence the Jedi Kyp Durron to massacre large numbers of Imperial forces using the Sun Crusher superweapon. He would later be destroyed by the members of Skywalker's academy.

Darth Revan: One of the most popular Sith Lords thanks to the Knights of the Old Republic games. Darth Revan was a Jedi who took the helm against the Mandalorian forces. He was a master tactician, probably the greatest tactician to ever exist among the Jedi and Sith orders. However, he would end up straying towards the Dark Side during the war, eventually being turned fully towards the Sith along with his apprentice Darth Malak. He would discover the ancient Star Forge and wage war against the Jedi. The Jedi sent a small strike force, lead by Bastila Shan, to capture Revan. His mind was then wiped. This allowed for him to come back from the Dark Side. He would lead the fight against Malak, eventually facing him on the Star Forge. Revan was so powerful that not even with the full power of the Star Forge empowering him could Malak defeat Revan. Revan's holocron would later be found by Darth Bane, who would use Revan's teachings to create the Rule of Two.

Kreia: Considered to be the wisest of the Sith, Kreia was the master to many influential figures such as Revan, the Exile, and Darth Nihilus. While she was a Dark Lord of the Sith, Kreia would more accurately be described as neutral. She saw the Light and Dark sides of the Force as two sides of the same coin, and found the extremism of the Jedi and the Sith to be foolish.

more to come later
Sep 2, 2015 by trachy
also. i am unable to acces my user profile so please answer via your wall
Sep 1, 2015 by loomhigh223555
I am asking to get my facts straight on pokemon information not suggestions.
Sep 1, 2015 by loomhigh223555
2 Blastoise
2 Wartortle
3 Squirtle
2 Gyarados
3 Magikarp
4 Lapras
2 Articuno
2 Kangaskhan
4 Bill
4 Professor Oak
4 Pluspower
3 Gust of Wind
2 Computer Search
2 Pokemon Breeder
1 Item Finder
1 Goop Gas Attack
18 Water Energy
1 Full Heal Energy
Aug 30, 2015 by trachy
x3 Wigglytuff
x4 Jigglypuff
x3 Hitmonchan
x3 Electabuzz
x3 Scyther
4 Pluspower
4 Super Energy Removal
4 Bill
3 Gust of Wind
3 Energy Removal
3 Professor Oak
2 Computer Search
1 Item Finder
6 Fighting Energy
6 Electric Energy
4 Rainbow Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy
Aug 30, 2015 by trachy
Beat Tomb Raider. Solid game, good story. Held back by the fact that combat is not very satisfying due to having only four generic weapon types. Looks pretty though, and has a fantastic physics engine.
Aug 30, 2015 by trachy
FULL ART SHOCKS AND FETCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I'm pretty hyped for Battle for Zendikar. Going to draft so much of it.
Aug 30, 2015 by trachy
New Ulamog is awesome: https://twitter.com/wizards_magic/status/637803775286226948

An indestructible beast that will win in two to three turns. And unlike past Eldrazi, this guy can be reanimated since it doesn't have the shuffle into library upon hitting the graveyard effect. Expectations met Wizards, well done.
Aug 30, 2015 by trachy