Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for trachy (page 21)

Went 4-0 tonight. My draft was insanely good. Even won a game despite accidentally shuffling my sideboard into my deck (oops). I got passed three Rolling Thunder and two Turn Against. So my deck was silly. Here's a link to it, it was a Red/Green Landfall deck.
Beat two Grixis Colorless decks, a Black/Blue Swarm deck, and a White/Black lifegain deck that I barely saw any of before I stomped all over it.
Oct 4, 2015 by trachy
Sadly, no. My closest LGS is ~90 minutes away and I had to work this weekend. The closest thing I have is my own box and our playgroup will be drafting, so I'm not too sad.
Sep 28, 2015 by Ninja
Prerelease promo was Gideon. :D
Sep 27, 2015 by trachy
Hey trachy, thanks for being a great guy and friend to me. It's been a good (arena) run, but I gotta go now. Best of luck with whatever game you're playing now and seriously, tartare is better than mayonnaise.
Sep 21, 2015 by Sempi
Dang, just found out that the actor who is supposed to be playing Pennywise in the upcoming "It" movie is some nobody. I just have no hopes for the film. It's almost impossible to adapt the book into a movie for multiple reasons, such as length (1000+ pages), violence (a huge part of the book is that Pennywise and the people of Derry through extension of It's will commit horrible atrocities, primarily against children) and just the fact that your standard run of the mill audience member will probably end up getting confused by the stuff involving Maturin the Turtle and the Deadlights. No movie has the chance of capturing the essence of the greatest book of all time. This new one won't even have Tim Curry, one of the acting greats.
Sep 20, 2015 by trachy
Base: 5
Jungle: 3
Rocket: 3
Gym Heroes: 4
Gym Challenge: 1
Sep 16, 2015 by trachy
Trapper: 5
Haymaker: 11
Sep 16, 2015 by trachy
Fight me.
TCG style.
Sep 14, 2015 by Rio
Started watching Rick and Morty, an animated comedy on Adult Swim. Show is fantastic. Has an episode that's a parody of the Stephen King book "Needful Things".
Sep 12, 2015 by trachy
Hedron Network: While not something I would have in the mainboard, it's definitely some good sideboard tech. Has a very powerful interaction with Languish, where basically your opponent is straight out of luck. Still doesn't get Rhino though. :(

Greenwarden of Murasa: A powerful card, basically two Eternal Witness. The presence of Den Protector makes it difficult to use this guy, since Den Protector is easier on the mana. Might still see play in Green based ramp decks.

Void Winnower: This is such an awesome card, and I expect it to be cheated out a bunch with See the Unwritten. Feels very much like an Eldrazi mythic.

Felidar Sovereign: A cool reprint. Probably won't see much play. Still a very nice limited pull, since Lifelink+Vigilance can cause you to bounce back from basically anything.

Catacomb Sifter: Might actually see some play. It's 3/4 across two bodies with the scry part of Reaper of the Wilds. But this time it doesn't have to compete with Rhino for a spot.

Drana's Emissary: Such a limited bomb.
Sep 10, 2015 by trachy