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Wall for trachy (page 19)

Because the Clone Wars is canon, and Ep III is also canon, then which Barriss story is true? I should assume that, because she's never actually shown being executed on-screen, that the Clone Wars version is the true canon now?
Dec 28, 2015 by Toucanadian
Dec 27, 2015 by melcakes
I'm shocked by how superior Star Wars: Rebels is to The Clone Wars. Very few canonical inconsistencies.
Dec 23, 2015 by trachy
Been watching the 3D animated Star Wars: The Clone Wars because I need a Star Wars fix to tide me over while I wait for theaters to have open seats for Episode VII. It gets worse even after the awful two seasons that I watched when it first aired before giving it up (exception of the Darth Maul storylines, those were actually solid). Before the contradictions were based more around events that happen in the books, as well as mischaracterizations. And while that still happens, something even more egregious was done when they directly contradicted Episode III. Barriss Offee is killed on Felucia during Order 66 in Episode III, however The Clone Wars has her turn to the dark side and betray the Jedi.

Hopefully VII is good. We haven't had anything good in Star Wars in seven years.
Dec 19, 2015 by trachy
It was great film. Obi-Wan dies.
Dec 18, 2015 by Ninja
And now it's time for me to take a break from the internet until I watch Force Awakens in order to avoid spoilers.
Dec 16, 2015 by trachy
I guess we're back to odd numbered Star Trek movies being awful. Tradition is very important to keep after all.
Dec 14, 2015 by trachy
note to self, draft on Thursday
Dec 11, 2015 by trachy
Ivy League schools, now for the idiots of the country.
Dec 7, 2015 by trachy
Welcome to the site!
(sorry I was a bit late)
Dec 2, 2015 by sumwun