Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for trachy (page 17)

Finally finished all of Fire Emblem Fates. I seem to have a more positive opinion on it than others, but I will admit that the localization was pretty bad. Nintendo really needs to do a better job of that. Shame that it seems like the SMT+FE crossover will also be poorly localized.

As for Game of Thrones, I'm a season behind. I'll catch up sometime end of June or start of July.
Jun 13, 2016 by trachy
trachu ;-; fangrill GoT wiff me too
Jun 4, 2016 by Sempi
trachy! I need someone to fangirl Game of Thrones with ;_;
May 23, 2016 by Flafpert
Read a good comic series called Sheltered, pretty strong final issue, then they have to go and ruin everything in the last two panels. All they had to do was leave it at Vic looking at the pictures of her father and friend, end it there, and it would have been amazing. Now it just left me pissed.
May 15, 2016 by trachy
Reminder to self: Rachel Rising issue 42, final issue, comes out in May
Apr 26, 2016 by trachy
Hi trachy,  
I was getting nostalgic for my old Pokemon days and decided to drop by for the first time in years.  I'm not sticking around, but I wanted to drop a line and say that I am doing okay and I hope you're doing well to.  Thanks for all the memories!  
Apr 24, 2016 by Fritjof
add me on wii u friend
NNID:  CWegzz
Apr 24, 2016 by CWegz
I apologize for my late response, but in any case yeah I did quite enjoy Young Justice season 1 but Young Justice: Invasion for some reason felt very dragged out in comparison to season 1's plot Batman Beyond I've just started on so I'm rather interested to see how that will "play" out
Apr 21, 2016 by Lorna Shore
Hard to believe I've never heard of Books of Magic before. The series is fantastic.
Apr 18, 2016 by trachy
Blue Team:

Charizard: Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Earthquake, Strength
Fearow: Fly, Hyper Beam, Drill Peck, Swift
Victreebel: Razor Leaf, Acid, Cut, Sleep Powder
Persian: Slash, Thunder, Bubblebeam, Body Slam
Dugtrio: Earthquake, Rock Slide, Dig, Slash
Starmie: Surf, Psychic, Blizzard, Thunderbolt
Apr 11, 2016 by trachy