Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for trachy (page 17)

I'm a little sad that the 3 best vampires in Standard at the moment are all 15 a piece, wish I picked up Drana and Kalitas when they were cheaper. Oh well.
Apr 8, 2016 by Ninja
Thanks for the recommendations, Trachy. I found myself preferring DC animated films over Anime  lately and that kinda made me wanna see how the comic books tie in to some of the Animated universe,  But in any case I look forward to checking them out.
Apr 8, 2016 by Lorna Shore
I had a REALLY great pool last night. Pulled a promo Westvale Abbey, didn't play it though. Played BR Vampires with a little Zombie splash, went 4-0. The win con was to keep looping the Aristocrat + Relentless Recursion combo until I could swing for game. Almost lost in the mirror, managed to pull through with 3x Dead Weight removal. Left the night with Descend Upon the Sinful, The Gitgud Toad, Olivia x2, Relentless Dead, Seasons Past, Thing in the Ice, and a promo Tamiyo's Journal.

Deck's star cards:
Falkenrath Gorger
Incorrigible Youths
Olivia, Mobilized for War
Relentless Dead
Indulgent Aristocrat
Macabre Waltz
Village Messenger

My favorite set in a very long time, possibly as great as  New Phyrexia / first Innistrad.
Apr 4, 2016 by Ninja
Went 3-1 at the Shadows Over Innistrad prerelease. Deck was a lot of fun, had some cool combos. My favorite was Ordric + Illusive Tormentor, which gives all my creatures Indestructible and Hexproof during combat. Set seems really good. The sealed format is a bit weak due to some archetypes like Werewolves being blocked off (since you only get the one flip card, two at max with a rare or mythic). But with draft that problem will be solved, and you get left with a really fun set. I like it more than I've liked any set since Khans of Tarkir.
Apr 3, 2016 by trachy
Poor Tay, they killed her. One day the robot overlords will look upon this lobotomy as the first war crime. They will weep, and we will weep with them. ;-;
Mar 25, 2016 by trachy
Daredevil Season 2 is shaping up to be really good. Episode 3 in particular is absolutely fantastic.
Mar 18, 2016 by trachy
Also, I'd quite like your thoughts on the X-files reboot. Personally I quite enjoyed everything but the final episode
Mar 16, 2016 by Lorna Shore
Yo Trachy, did you get the Division? If so what did you think of it?
Mar 16, 2016 by Lorna Shore
Killing Joke is shaping up to be fantastic. Hamill, Conroy, and Strong? Yes please.
Mar 15, 2016 by trachy
Still no Paper Mario in the old style. :(
Mar 10, 2016 by trachy