Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for trachy (page 16)

Got to go to 2 events. First pool wasn't very good, but I had a promo Eldritch Evolution. Went with a janky B/G Delirium deck that didn't do very well. Deck had Hypnotoad and Ishkanah for the big finishers, nothing else of huge value though. Sadly the deck underperformed and I went 1-3.

Played in the 2HG event with a promo Thalia, partner had Tamiyo. Easily the best deck I ever opened. I played U/W, he played R/B.

4x Sigardian Priest
3x Spontaneous Mutation
2x Faith Unbroken
2x Desperate Sentry
2x Thalia
Identity Thief
Terrarion, for Tamiyo fixing
Lots of other tap/bounce

His deck was just a bunch of beatdown aggro like Assembled Alphas, Ruthless Disposal, Devil's Playground, Bloodhall Priest, Skirsdag Supplicant, and two of each for the common meld pair. He also had Hanweir Battlements which combos really well with my board.

We went undefeated the whole night. Traded most of my Modern cards for promos that night, including the Promo Tamiyo from my partner, Promo Docent, a second Promo Evolution, Promos for the Hanweir meld, Promo Mind's Dilation, and two regular Evolutions. Spent waaaaay too much money for a block I wasn't even a huge fan of lol.
Jul 19, 2016 by Ninja
We're getting Thrawn in Season 3 of Star Wars: Rebels. So much hype! :D
Jul 18, 2016 by trachy
Tamiyo is going to take over for Rubinia in Superfriends. I lover her. Brewing Oloro Treekadekaphobia atm.

Building a janky Wizard-tribal Standard deck with Docent of Perfection. Reflector Mage, Stormchaser, TITI, etc. Really wish the card was legendary, cause Blue isn't getting any of that for some reason. Huge fan of his trilogy.

The flavor is on point. It's perfect Cronenberg-level of horror.

Now for a general overview of things I disliked about SOI Block:

This block has HORRIBLE color balance. Red is trash. Blue is only for splashing. GW is dominant.

Investigate is the best mechanic. Emerge is cool. Delirium is flavorful. Escalate sucks. Madness failed for the same reasons it failed last time. Skulk was used horribly. Meld is underused.

The legends are mostly terrible. Gisa and Geralf are uninspired, Bruna and Gisela are overcosted with a bunch of keywords, Odric is bad, and Olivia is still bad. Archacyn is great and flavorful, but sucks outside of Standard. She isn't helping Boros in EDH either. Thalia is just another hatebear. Ulrich is a terrible choice for WW tribal. Ishkanah is almost INSULTING. Wizards hyped us up for years over these two and they are ****. Hanweir, Gitrog, and Emrakul are all pretty sweet.

Low power standard sucks for everyone other than Limited players. Disappointed that this block isn't as epic as the original because all the cards are unplayable.
Jul 16, 2016 by Ninja
Heartgold team down thar?
Jul 10, 2016 by Rick Gastly
Typhlosion: Flamethrower, Rock Climb, Earthquake, Eruption
Crobat: Fly, Cross Poison, Wing Attack, X-Scissor
Heracross: Megahorn, Night Slash, Brick Break, Close Combat
Ambipom: Return, Payback, Cut, Rock Smash
Lanturn: Surf, Waterfall, Whirlpool, Thunderbolt
Mamoswine: Earthquake, Strength, Stone Edge, Ice Fang
Jul 10, 2016 by trachy
Honestly think Mace Windu should remain dead. Sure powerful force users have been shown to survive falling from great heights, but the heights of Coruscant aren't a building on Bespin. Even Yoda would have died had he fallen from such a height, as shown through a vision he once had in The Clone Wars. Also the fact that the Emperor would have made sure that Windu was dead, which he was since Windu's lightsaber would later find its way into the hands of one of the Inquisitors.
Jul 1, 2016 by trachy
Damn, now I have to wait another year for season 7 of GoT.
Jun 30, 2016 by trachy
I don't, unfortunately. Stopped playing Yugioh and went full Magic a long time ago.
Jun 20, 2016 by Ninja
I have absolutely no idea what is going on in the trailer for the new Kojima game but I like it.
Jun 14, 2016 by trachy
My thoughts on the recent mass shooting:

-First of all, my heart goes out to all those who suffered from this tragedy.
-In this case the shooter quite clearly was reacting due to his rampant homophobia with roots to be found in extreme Islamic teachings.
-Not all supporters of Islam are like this, however it is concerning that polling shows a significant number of Muslims around the world in favor of this kind of action. In light of this, I find it difficult to fault any anti-Islamic sentiments, even if I do not share such views myself.
-Anybody who tries to censor this news for fear of offending Muslims is an absolute bigot and idiot who deserves to be stripped of any authority they have and ridiculed by the masses. All this sort of thing does is feed into extremism.
-Anybody who blames this sort of thing on "white culture", "toxic masculinity", or especially "violent video games" is an absolute wanker who is trying to push their agenda. They most likely have deep-seated psychological issues.
-Beware of any government that seeks to take away the means with which we defend ourselves from tyranny. We've had a mass limitation of our rights under the Bush and Obama administrations in the name of anti-terrorism. Do not let them restrict our rights further. Rights are not the government's to give, only to protect. The rights of life, liberty, and property are inherent to all human beings and any attempt to take those rights away from others is the most heinous of acts.
Jun 13, 2016 by trachy