Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for trachy (page 24)

The overall best things I had were Gideon, Nissa, Starfield of Nyx, Erebos's Titan, Archangel of Tithes,  Alhammeret's Archive, foil Patron of the Valiant, foil Sentinel of the Eternal Watch, foil Sword of the Animist, and a foil Infinite Obliteration.  Some of the nice rares were 2 Mangorger Hydra, Hixus, the Nalaars, as well as solid Elf and Thopter material. I definitely agree that we have some nice uncommons, because I got a lot of ones I might run. This was all from a booster box, and I'd say this has been the best box for me in the last 3 or so runs.

Not only that, but soon, the 70 dollar value clash pack. Can't wait for a few copies of Collected Company after it drops and put it in my Elves.
Jul 19, 2015 by Ninja
Current thoughts on Magic Origins drafting:

It's actually a lot more fun than I thought it would be. The archetypes are fairly strong, and there's a lot of powerful cards to be seen. Removal is solid this time around, with Aura like Claustrophobia being a balanced way to have strong removal that can be answered by your opponent. White seems a bit too powerful once again though. It has a plethora of powerful two drops that are really quite insane. It also has its usual backup of solid fliers (Charging Griffen, Stalwart Aven) and some removal (Celestial Flare, Suppression Bonds. Its commons are easily the best. It also has some of the best uncommons, with War Oracle and Sentinel of the Eternal Watch being better than a majority of the rares in the set, as well as having nice second or third picks like Patron of the Valiant or Swift Reckoning.

Thopters are actually really good. You get a Thopter Spy Network or some Whirler Rogues down, you've basically got the game won.
Jul 19, 2015 by trachy
Anything out of Origins yet? I pulled Gideon, Nissa, 4 Mythics, 2 foil rares, and 2 emblems.

No pile driver or harbinger of the tides, sadly :(
Jul 18, 2015 by Ninja
Got bored, downloaded Hearthstone
Got bored, opened packs
3rd pack, Golden Archmage Antonidas boom <3

Told friends, jelly nubs <3

TL:DR new deck is basic mage + archmage antonidas
Jul 17, 2015 by Sempi
Well, Gawker just outed a gay man who was the victim of blackmail. Unethical reporting at its worst.
Jul 17, 2015 by trachy
Whelp, crazy things are going on with Reddit. At this point things are probably beyond redemption and Voat is going to be the new front page of the internet. Well, if they can get their servers in working order. :/
Jul 15, 2015 by trachy
I went 4-0 at tonight's Magic draft. Went with a WG Aggro deck. Bunch of low cost creatures, almost no bombs. Deck can be seen here: http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/4-0-wg-aggro/
Jul 10, 2015 by trachy
An example of how dangerous outrage culture is: http://www.timesofisrael.com/civil-servant-commits-suicide-after-facebook-accusations-of-racism/

I should note that it is likely that this person had other issues going on at the time which influenced his decision, with the accusations of racism likely pushing him over the edge. It is a sad day indeed when someone is driven to the point of no return.  RIP
Jul 8, 2015 by trachy
Got the promo Path to Exile at FNM tonight. :D
Jul 4, 2015 by trachy