Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for trachy (page 25)

Love the people behind Deus Ex over at Eidos Montreal. They aren't taking this bs over this stupid mechanical apartheid outrage from the usual SJW idiots.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is one of the games I'm most excited about from E3. In fact, the only game I'm more excited about is Halo 5. The Deus Ex series is an absolute classic, with the first game being considered by many to be the greatest game ever made. Deus Ex: Human Revolution was a fantastic experience and is one of my favorite games. It goes on sale often, and might even be on sale now with the Steam Sale going on. Pick it up. Don't worry if your PC sucks, I managed to play it on a non-gaming laptop and it ran smoothly. It is incredibly well optimized.
Jun 17, 2015 by trachy
Edge of Nowhere seems cool. Seems to be heavily inspired by Lovecraft's At the Mountains of Madness.

Ubisoft's new IP, For Honor, actually looks pretty cool. The sword combat definitely looks robust and satisfying. A Youtube comment likened it to Dynasty Warriors meets Chivalry, and I would very much agree with that assessment.
Jun 17, 2015 by trachy
Deus Ex hype!!!!
Jun 16, 2015 by trachy
Fire Emblem. <3
Sad we're not seeing an actual Paper Mario, but the Mario & Luigi series is still great. I'm looking forward to it.

Shame to see the new Metroid game and the Animal Crossing boardgame thing. Does not look good.
Jun 16, 2015 by trachy
Hopefully Sea of Thieves sees Rare return back to form. A fantasy pirate adventure definitely sounds appealing to me. Also liking the look of Rare Replay. lots of quality titles on offer there. At $30 for the Banjo series, the Perfect Dark games, Conker, and more it seems like a fantastic offer. Especially since Conker is difficult to find a copy of for cheap.
Jun 16, 2015 by trachy
Recore definitely has potential. Anything from the makers of the Prime series is worth a look at. Can't wait to see a gameplay
Jun 16, 2015 by trachy
So the new COD actually seems... good. Probably will still have a crappy story, but the gameplay seems fun. A lot of focus on movement, mechs, and special abilities that sorta remind me of Bioshock tonics. Besides how the guns work, it doesn't really seem like a COD game.
Jun 16, 2015 by trachy
Hoping the new Gears of War is better than Judgment. It's going to have to be amazing in order for me to be fine with them making a game after the perfect ending that was Gears of War 3. Still wishing they develop a prequel series following the Locust back when they were more human-like, prior to the imulsion mutating them into the forms we see them as in the series.

Gears 4 and Halo 5 (whooooo, Arbiter coming back voiced by the great Keith David, and Sergeant Buck now a Spartan IV) making me want to get an Xbox 1. Arkham Knight coming up in a week also adds to that.

That Nindie game Typoman looks like it has potential. Very creative game mechanic combined with the darkness of Limbo. I'll be keeping my eye on it.

Star Wars: Battlefront looked fine, but I still won't be getting it. They gutted way too much content from the previous games. I'll just stick to playing the less graphically impressive but far better Battlefront 2.

Goddamn it, another Mass Effect. I know I won't be able to resist buying it when it comes out. Hopefully they explore a new storyline that differs greatly from the previous ones, rather than raising Shepard back from the dead or something.
Jun 16, 2015 by trachy
Just saw the episode, and I'm not going to say a word about it until you've seen it, i refuse to spoil it.
Jun 15, 2015 by Flafpert
Don't know anything about that but my educated guess is that won't happen. Sure I have seen the last episode yet but based on the precious episodes it seems very unlikely. Which could indicate it will happen because it is still GoT, but I wouldn't expect it. I'm afraid I can't go into more details as that would mean spoilers, but I can say the series is still good, distinctly different from the books but still good.
Jun 15, 2015 by Flafpert