Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for trachy (page 42)

I'm really glad to see, no matter for how brief a time, Bill Watterson's work in a comic strip again.

I generally don't like comic strips, as I find them to be rather unfunny. The exception to that is Calvin and Hobbes, which is a brilliant comic strip. Funny, intelligent, masterfully drawn, and most of all heartwarming, Calvin and Hobbes reminds me of when I was a child, and how I am still a child in many ways.

My favorite Calvin and Hobbes arc is the one where Calvin finds an injured baby raccoon.  He is incredibly concerned about his well being, and he quickly alerts his mother to its condition. They take care of it over the night, but when Calvin wakes up, it is to find out that the raccoon died. He is saddened by this, angry at this, scared by this. This is his first encounter with death, and it impacts him to his very core. The arc ends with him taking comfort in his friend (a stuffed tiger) Hobbes, who promises that he will never leave Calvin. The strip makes me cry every time I read it, both from sadness for the death of the raccoon and the hit this has on Calvin's innocence, and for the heartwarming exchange between him and Hobbes.
Jun 11, 2014 by trachy
E3 Day 2 Opinion:
Nintendo had a really strong presentation, with a lot of awesome looking games for the Wii U. I much preferred Nintendo to the rather sparse Sony and Microsoft conferences.
Jun 11, 2014 by trachy
Also need to remember to write something up on how the nudity and sexual content in Game of Thrones enhances the experience.
Jun 10, 2014 by trachy
E3 Day 1 Opinion:
Dragon Age 3 and Mass Effect 4 need to do a lot of work to win me over. The last games in each of their series were very disappointing (and Dragon Age II was just a terrible video game)
Excited for Star Wars: Battlefront
Far Cry 4 looks good
I can finally play Grim Fandango without having to spend ludicrous sums of money or resort to piracy
Jun 10, 2014 by trachy
Think you'll like this site
Jun 10, 2014 by Rio
Wow. That was just what I wanted from The First Battle of the Wall. 45 minutes of straight up Helm's Deep level action. An awesome penultimate episode for the season.
Jun 9, 2014 by trachy
Anybody who says Hearthstone's business model is unfair has obviously never played a TCG/CCG before.
Jun 9, 2014 by trachy
So basically it falls into one of the three categories that all Fox shows fit into.
1. Incredible show that gets cancelled by Fox because they don't know how to handle it.
2. Incredible show that goes strong for a number of seasons before Fox ends up screwing things up and leading to a decline in quality for the show.
3. Terrible show to begin with. May rhyme with Pallen Pgregory.

X-Files fits the second category.
Jun 9, 2014 by trachy