Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for trachy (page 44)

Hmmmm, when a direct to video sequel to a movie has Mark Hamill as one of the primary voice actors, does it become worth watching?
May 24, 2014 by trachy
Why the hell doesn't Netflix have an "Animated" search category? :/
May 24, 2014 by trachy
I've started to do MTG drafts every other week. It's pretty fun.
May 24, 2014 by trachy
I had a dream where I was a former hitman, and was being hunted down by another hitman, who had just killed most of the people I knew and loved. We had a final encounter, and I said to him "Let's finish this like men." He put down his guns.

And then we took out our Poke Balls. >_> And we decided to settle this like men by doing a Pokemon battle. :/
He had a Hoppip and Magikarp to boot.

Sometimes lucid dreaming sucks.
May 22, 2014 by trachy
May 17, 2014 by trachy
Really? Wow, that is some good news then! If only I could get a Wii U sooner... Gonna be fun
May 17, 2014 by PsychicX1
Season 5 and X-Files is still holding up to be incredible. Detour is easily my favorite horror themed X-Files episode, while Bad Blood is a wonderful comedy.
May 16, 2014 by trachy
Just found out they are making a Blade Runner sequel.
Screw sequels to movies that came out 20+ years ago and stood brilliantly on their own. Honestly, this kind of stuff just sullies the universe of these movies, and also cause time and money to be spent on something other than original IP. It's lazy, it's stupid, and it needs to stop.

This is also a good segue into my thoughts on people who want a Chrono Trigger sequel (as in a direct sequel, rather than what Chrono Cross is. Not dissing on Cross btw). Those people are idiots.

People need to take cue from Harper Lee.
May 16, 2014 by trachy
Dammit Halo, why you gotta be on a console I don't want to buy. ;-;
May 16, 2014 by trachy
Saving the link so I can look at the answers if I want.
May 16, 2014 by trachy