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Wall for trachy (page 46)

X-Files Season 2 Favorite Episode: Humbug
May 1, 2014 by trachy
May 1, 2014 by trachy
Thanks a lot man.
Apr 30, 2014 by Jofly
I know how! You can simply not clap because you wish to do other work with your hands, such as scratching your head, rubbing your eye or throwing something at someone. I iz a genius xD
Apr 30, 2014 by !'•-Indigo-•'!
Note to Self: Buy "All You Need is Kill"
Apr 30, 2014 by trachy
My thoughts on The Giver movie:

I enjoyed the book. I thought it was great.
So why do I have the feeling the movie is going to be your generic hollywood attempt to make the next Hunger Games?
Apr 29, 2014 by trachy
Got Gates to Infinity. I plan on going Pikachu+Tepig.
Apr 29, 2014 by trachy
Watching the X-Files. It's a pretty great show that is a mix of Twilight Zone, Doctor Who, and a cop show. It is more consistent in how good the episodes are compared to Twilight Zone (although it lacks any of the brilliance of the top Twilight Zone episodes, such as the first Twilight Zone episode). It is less whimsical and more grounded than Doctor Who, and is not as afraid of having characters die. And it lacks all of the flaws of cop shows (and there are many flaws with cop shows).
Apr 29, 2014 by trachy
Summer Movies I'm interested in:

The Amazing Spider-Man 2
X-Men: Days of Future Past
Edge of Tomorrow
Guardians of the Galaxy
Apr 29, 2014 by trachy