Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for trachy (page 46)

I've heard of The X-Files just didn't feel like watching it atm. It'll be my "when I have no more school" show aka summer break. Anyway I hope you work out your problems :)
Apr 29, 2014 by Stella Midnight
That moment when you realize that your nightmares are better than reality.
Apr 28, 2014 by trachy
The Crimson King is gone. In its place are....
A bunch of little pumpkins?

I only change my profile in special circumstances, usually the death of someone I very much care about.  While this isn't a death, it is the loss of a loved one.

We painted pumpkins together one time back during Halloween. When I was facing my depression, nights were very difficult for me, as was waking up before I was fully rested. I would be troubled by depressed thoughts during these times. One time, I decided to hold onto the pumpkin. The cold it retained, the grooved texture, and the happy memories associated with it allowed me to focus all my thoughts on the pumpkin.

It's a little... dehydrated to say the least. But I need it now more than ever. It is my most cherished possession, but like the friendship, it will not last forever.
Apr 28, 2014 by trachy
I just had to break off my friendship with my best and only friend.  The friend who helped me get through that period in the hospital. And who has been helping me until just this past month, where they randomly decided to cut off the friendship, just not explicitly. And now it has been officially cut off.

I don't know what I'm going to do with my life now. For the short time, I'm just going to be completely apathetic.
Apr 28, 2014 by trachy
X-Files Season 1 Favorite Episode: Ice
Apr 27, 2014 by trachy
How I'm feeling right now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKY-smJ6aBQ
Apr 27, 2014 by trachy
Okay, I'll soon be starting up a series of articles on games that I consider to be underrated. These are games that got more criticism they deserved. Some will be classic gems, while others will be solid modern titles.

 I'll be providing a critique of the title, explore the likely reasons why it was underrated, and then provide a reason why the title should be played.
Apr 26, 2014 by trachy
Why can't more people be like me? Sure, I can insult and kid, but when it comes down to it, I am there for a person in need. If a friend needs me to give them all my money because they are in financial troubles, I will gladly give them my money and not even require them to pay me back. If their house collapsed, I would offer to help with the rebuilding effort. I would do anything for a friend, be it legal or no, fitting with my moral code or no.

And as for how I treat people who I know who aren't friends, I still won't put myself so far out of the way to help them, but I will go pretty far, and only things that would be easy to take advantage of me (money, the whole illegal/legal thing) would be out of the question.

And as for strangers, I'm willing to talk with them, give advice, provide comfort, anything that I can easily do.

We're all humans, whether we want to be or not. And we can get nowhere as a race if we only focus on ourselves. When others are in need, drop what you are doing and do a little something to help. Even if it just means talking to them for an hour and show that they have your support. If you can't even do that, you might want to reevaluate your priorities and actions, and wonder whether the path you are on is worth it.

If any of you guys ever need help, just ask for it. I might not be the best person for the job, but I'm willing to try and help out.
Apr 25, 2014 by trachy
My thoughts on Nintendo and DLC:

Let's face it people, Nintendo is a bit behind everybody else in this regard. DLC has been a huge component of the game industry for quite some time. So while Nintendo entering this "new" business model might be offensive to some people, it makes a fair amount of sense for multiple reasons, and so far is proving to be real great.

DLC gets a bad name nowadays because of things like Day-1 DLC, map packs, or microtransactions. But to say all DLC is bad is like saying that all white people are lonely, depressed, idiots. Bioshock 2: Minerva's Den, Mass Effect 2: Lair of the Shadow Broker, Gears of War 3: RAAM's Shadow, Binding of Isaac: Wrath of the Lamb. Those are just a few examples of DLC that provides a significant amount of content for a reasonable price.

So with Mario Golf, for $15 you get four new characters, and over 120 new courses. The courses you get through the DLC are actually more than you get through the game. And the game already had a large number of courses to begin with (no early reviews make any complaints about the number of courses). This is rather wonderful, and completely fair. And it seems to be the way Nintendo is doing DLC, as we saw with the New Super Luigi U expansion pack. A lot of content, and some additional goodies, all for a reduced price.

Internet, stop being whiny douchebags who want everything for free. Stop freaking out over change (and this is an Aspie with ADHD saying that) and start accepting that the video game's industry isn't what it used to be, and in order to compete, Nintendo is going to have to make a few changes. Yet they seem committed to making these changes in a fair and inexpensive way.

Yes, there is the potential for them to become mad with DLC later, but considering that hasn't happened yet, how about we save our indignation and complaints for when they offer Horse Armor? Seem fair? Yes? Then why the hell are you still complaining? Oh right... internet.
Apr 25, 2014 by trachy