Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for trachy (page 49)

@ trachy sorry to hear about what happened with college. Good luck.
Mar 31, 2014 by Poke'slash
Aww... I don't want to see you sad again.
Hope you get over your rejection soon. :c
Mar 30, 2014 by !'•-Indigo-•'!

Buy it. Card City Nights is amazing.
Mar 27, 2014 by trachy
Currently facing a very strong wave of depression, caused by my college rejecting my return to Spring quarter. Will take quite some time for me to get over it, at a minimum of probably two weeks. I'm more likely to snap at people and treat them harsher than they deserve, so just understand where I'm coming from if you get on my bad side.
Mar 27, 2014 by trachy
"The best way to prevent our clients from committing suicide is to murder them."
Mar 26, 2014 by trachy
Seriously Good to Finally see you in Person (Sorta) My name is Faithe and I am in love with ur Profile Pic ^__^
Mar 26, 2014 by Sassy_Little_Mawile
F.u.c.k. you Western Washington University counseling office.
Mar 26, 2014 by trachy
Mar 25, 2014 by trachy
h0VV a73 y0u
Mar 23, 2014 by Snow