Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for trachy (page 49)

hai trachy
Mar 23, 2014 by Snow
I'm sorry xD
I normally uncapitalize your name but it seems more 'professional'. :3
Mar 23, 2014 by !'•-Indigo-•'!
Reminder to self: You can have a three way in Jade Empire.
Mar 22, 2014 by trachy
Canada is one of the most boring countries. No real wars to speak of like Germany, no glorious culture history like Greece. Hell, even Australia has more going for it, being founded by convicts and all.
Mar 22, 2014 by trachy
What's so funny about Canadian History Cod >.> ?
Mar 22, 2014 by MrKijani
Canadian history
Mar 22, 2014 by Sempi
The ending of Hannibal is so weird. And this coming from the guy who read every Stephen King book.
Mar 22, 2014 by trachy
Classes I am taking:
Intro to British Lit
Intro to Computer Game Development
Canadian History

As you can tell by that last one, I ran out of options. :/
Mar 22, 2014 by trachy
I've come to the conclusion that Valve is actually a pretty bad company. A controversial opinion to be sure, but one that is not without warrant.

For one thing, Half Life 3. Infamous in the gaming scene for the fact that it is a title that many people want, but which Valve has not given any information for. It has been what, nine years? And it seems like they aren't even bothering to develop the game, which is something I find distasteful since the story is unfinished.

Corruption among the rank of moderators on the Steam forums. They'd do anything to maintain the status quo and keep their power, even at the detriment to the users. Locking posts randomly, and not giving an explanation. As a moderator I am disgusted.

The Game Hubs can end up being basically advertisement centers for the game. Developers have full control over their Game Hub, and can ban users at leisure, with no restrictions placed on them. While most developers do not do this, some do, the most obvious instance being that of Derek Smart. And while I find Smart deplorable, I find the system that allows for such abuse to be even worse. There is no way to even stop this, as if you send a support ticket to Valve, they then say that you have to appeal your case on the developer's website. You know, the same developers who are abusing their powers in the first place.

It should also be mentioned that Valve screwed up with tagging a game. Only positive things can be said about the game in tags for one. If Beautiful is allowed, why not Ugly. Hypocrisy. Also, they banned the iOS, mobile, mobile port, and port tags. You know, tags that ARE ACTUALLY USEFUL TO THE CONSUMER.

Promotion of the "paid alpha". Before Valve started their Early Access program, you saw very few of these. But now, even AAA devs are using them.

No QA. Lot's of broken games are being released on Steam. While the publishers are to blame for this, Steam's horrible refund policy causes this to become a permanent problem, rather than a minor inconvenience.

Domination of the PC market. I would boycott Steam, but in doing so I basically cut myself off from being able to play most PC games.

DRM. You know Origin? The thing everybody hates? Wouldn't exist without Steam.

So Valve is in my eyes actually a very poor company that doesn't care a damn about customer support. Screw them.
Mar 22, 2014 by trachy
Random thoughts on upcoming movies:

Maleficent: Looks surprisingly good. I hope they don't go the Wicked route (nothing wrong with the way Wicked did things, just would rather see them do something different here) and instead of portraying Maleficent as misunderstood, they show her in an evil light.

Star Wars: They better not screw this up.

Amazing Spider Man 2: I've heard people say they are wary since Spider Man 3 wasn't that great and one of the reasons was that they didn't fully develop all of the villains (really, only Sandman was underdeveloped. Harry Osborn and Venom were good villains.) These people don't seem to understand that the reason why Spider Man 3 wasn't as good as the first two is that the focus was put on Peter and Mary Jane's relationship problems. This movie actually seems to be focusing more on the villains of the movie. Plus, I'm excited because we have a movie with both Green Goblin, Gwen Stacy, and the introduction of Mary Jane. Us comic book fans know where this is heading. :)

Ghostbusters 3: It only has Dan Akroyd returning from the original cast. So it won't be worth watching. Why they bothered making a Ghostbusters movie without Bill Murray is beyond me.
Mar 21, 2014 by trachy