Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for wokeboke (page 15)

But actually I ship Shu and Ruri
Aug 20, 2016 by SylveonIsEvil
Aug 19, 2016 by SylveonIsEvil

I think I'll just admit I ship Raku with Shu more than I ship Raku and Tsugumi don't call Raku x Shu a crackship.
Aug 19, 2016 by SylveonIsEvil
Ahaha really? I thought it was kinda dorky so I deleted it.
Aug 18, 2016 by SylveonIsEvil
Shulk: 0%-low combos
ff nair (first few frames),  fair, ff dtilt, fair
ff nair,  fair, dash att
ff nair, utilt, uair
ff nair, fsmash
ff nair, ftilt
bthrow, sspec

mid percent combos
nair, fair
nair, fair, dair

high percent combos
uthrow, uair

kill combos
nair/fair/ftilt/fthrow, fair until offstage, uspec

nothing is true
Aug 16, 2016 by wokeboke
Greninja: 0% combos
ff nair (sour), utilt, usmash
dthrow, jabs (NOT true)
dtilt, fsmash

mid percent combos
ff nair (sour), utilt, uair
ff nair (sweet), fair
uthrow, uair

high percent combos
uthrow, uair
dthrow, fair (TRUE at varying percents)
dtilt, fair (TRUE at varying percents)

kill combos
dtilt, usmash (TRUE at varying percents)
dtilt, fair (TRUE at varying percents)
uthrow, uair (50/50 at varying percents)

mix-up kills
dthrow, usmash (NOT true)
Aug 15, 2016 by wokeboke

HALP ME! >~<
Aug 12, 2016 by Torchic the Ninja~
Kaze! ^^

Eh I mean what? Pfft! Leaf you're crazy!
Leaf help me! >~<
Aug 12, 2016 by Torchic the Ninja~
Well I finally made a tumblr post.
Aug 7, 2016 by wokeboke