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Wall for ~Obstagoon-Marnie~ (page 46)

Yeah, I like RSE. Especially Route 113's music in RSE, oh it's so beautiful it nearly lulled me into sleep. :3
Jan 16, 2021 by Gau
Here's an in-depth bashing of Gen 4, Sinnoh because I haven't played HGSS:

The Story
Ah yes nothing is better than watching the evil lameheads make the Red Chain only for it to be busted up by the Lake Trio and for you to capture the Legendary if you are so inclined. Seriously. It reminds me of Gen 6's plot: they get the weapon you beat them up and they go 'WAIT WE CAN STILL USE THE WEAPON' and you're like 'OH NO' and they fire it and it knocks over a few houses and your friends come to congratulate you. It's one of those stories, you know, where it gets all tense and then falls completely flat. I know, you're gonna have to stop the bad guys, but that's all they could pull off? In Platinum, apparently you can go to the Distortion World and stuff, which is admittedly cool, but I never finished Platinum so I dunno what to tell you. Oh yeah, yes I do: I prefer Gen 3's story. Somehow the Pokemon of Land and Sea, enemies for thousands of years or whatever, coming back and fighting, which changes the weather, and having to be stopped by the giant dragon serpent thingy is way cooler. Possibly because they're all there and fighting. In Diamond/Pearl, they only seem to summon Dialga/Palkia. Even Gen 7's plot seems better to me, and it's not the best I've ever seen. It is cool how you go to Ultra Space though, and Lusamine makes a great villian because I hate her and she's a jerk whose kids ran away from her.

The Pokemon
I don't really know. I don't care for most of them, it seems like. The main Legends in particular, Dialga and Palkia. Giratina's cool, but the other two are just meh. I like Palkia more than Dialga, but I still don't really care for it. There are plenty of Pokemon I like, like Buneary, Riolu, Leafeon, Drifloon, Weavile, Shaymin, Porygon-Z, and so on, but there are tons I just kinda stare blankly at or don't like. Also, Gen 4 was awkward when it came to Pokemon 'cause of all those new evolutions. While it's not like I dislike it, there's just so many of them and old favorites get new forms and it's kinda... well, awkward. Also unusual. I know, they've made evolutions for older Pokemon before, but there are legit around twenty. Oh, and the starters are lackluster. Piplup and Turtwig are cute, but then they evolve and their final designs are meh. I never liked Chimchar and I'm not gonna like Infernape either. I don't really like monkey-like Pokemon, except for Aipom or something, and Infernape was just a continuation of the 'THREE FIRE/FIGHTING TYPES IN A ROW' thing. Empoleon is sorta cool, but not cool enough for me. Torterra is my favorite of them, but that's not exactly a grand achievement. It looks kinda cool I guess. What about middle evos? Well, Monferno is lame, Prinplup is lame, and Grotle's OK but kinda lame. Amazing. I like Gen 3's starters more, as they all look cool upon final evolution. And yes, Blaziken's Fire/Fighting just like Infernape, but it looks cool at least. Mudkip is adorable, also. I prefer Gen 5's starters as well. Snivy is great and Oshawott is kinda cute, though I don't like Tepig or its evolutions. I like Gen 7's more too. They're all cute in first stage, also Brionne is adorable for middle stages, and except for Incineroar I like all their final stages.
Jan 15, 2021 by Gau
The Characters
Gen 4 has charact- oh, there's the rival I guess. And yes I know it has characters I was making a joke. Your rival runs a running gag of crashing into you which is actually quite funny to me. It's hard for running gags to die for me. So yeah, he's funny. So congrats to him, I like people that amuse me. But to me, he's once again outclassed. Hau is one example. He's one of my favorite characters, so yeah I'm very biased, but still. He's overly childish and actually kinda cute and gets destroyed by me every time I meet him. He's a lot like me, minus the cute part. Both of us are childish, smile often, at least when I'm amused I smile often, have lots of fun even when losing battles, because I have been happy after losing ask Primal about it, and hop around like six year olds on caffine. And yes, I do hop around crazily sometimes. It's called my style of dancing. Basically Hau's better than Barry, and also you feel like you're friends with Hau more than rivals with him. At least that's how I feel about it. And we can't forget about Gladion. Which blond boy is superior? The one with the cool hoodie and pretty glaring eyes who worked for Team Skull and has my favorite Pokemon. Gladion's more of a secondary rival, and you don't battle him very often, but he has a cool backstory and so does his Silvally. Also he's way cuter. And Gen 3 has better rivals. Brendan/May are cute and also look like they have a crush on you so A+. If you can count Lucas/Dawn as anyone then I count them as no one because they're boring. The Gym Leaders are OK, the Elite Four are meh I think, the Champion is Cynthia who is massively overrated and said to be tough like Whitney is supposedly in Gen 2 though Whitney was a big fat pushover so meh. In Gen 7, you get to be the Champion, which is really cool. Too bad you can't get your position taken from you, because in that case Gladion would be Champion of Alola because he whipped me and my Shinies. Gla-Gla is Champion. Champion Gla-Gla. Anyways, there's the evil team, Team Galactic, and they... are just as fricking stupid as any other evil team. Give me a competent evil team and I will pay you. They're either stupid, like Team Plasma, or vain and snobby, like Team Flare, or look like they're high, like Team Yell. They're all a bunch of morons and I hate them. Team Skull is also crap but at least Gladion's cool. And if you can count the Aether Foundation as an evil team, it's way better than Team Galactic. Oh yeah, and then there's the player chracter. They're kinda cute I guess but that's about it. Gen 3's look better, the male character from Gen 5 looks better, and the player chracters from Gen 7 look better.

The Graphics
Now, if you're thinking 'Gen 4's graphics are better than Gen 3's can you at least admit that' or something, the answer is: no I can't. Gen 4's graphics were better-developed, I suppose, but I prefer Gen 3's. They were cuter. Gen 5 introduced moving Pokemon sprites in battle, and Gen 6, though I hate Gen 6, introduced 3D models to the Pokemon. Gen 7 also has nice graphics, with its pretty sunsets that turn the water orange. That's probably in Gen 6 too but I don't remember. Gladion smiling at me on Mount Lanakila while there's a sunset going on is forty times more appealing to me than anything Gen 4 could cook up if it tried. Gen 4's graphics are nothing to write home about, same as its story.

The Music
Eterna Forest is really nice, and that one route that I can't recall that has cool music, and... and I've heard better songs. It's called Route 113 from Gen 3. Now that's a song. I really doubt anything from Gen 4 could nearly lull me to sleep. And what about battle themes? Well, let's see what we've got here. I like the Lake Trio's battle theme, and that other battle theme that involves Legends, but Dialga/Palkia's is really boring. Cyrus has a good battle theme, but it's better in Gen 7. Archie/Maxie's battle theme from Gen 3 is way better. Also, in Gen 7, there are better battle themes. Gladion, Lusamine Version 1, Ultra Recon Squad, Ultra Necrozma, all are excellent. You can't convince me that Dialga/Palkia's battle theme is better than Ultra Necrozma's, which is simply amazing. Also Gladion's battle theme sounds epic, Lusamine Version 1 sounds really good, and Ultra Recon Squad is so unique and great. There's also Totem Pokemon and the Kahuna's battle theme. Totem Pokemon is really neat, and Kahuna's battle them is very fun. Gen 4's music doesn't stand out to me. I prefer Gen 6's Kalos Power Plant music more than most of Gen 4's music. Oh, and Gen 5 is also much better. PWT Finals, anyone? Perhaps some Gym Leader music or Team Plasma music?

Other Things
First of all, Gen 4 is slower than an old snail with arthritis in a snowstorm. And I know snails can't have arthritis but the game is slow. The running is slow, the animations are slow, like seriously have you seen some of those animations... everything's just slow, slow, slow. I am a person who doesn't want to take four hours to get from one town to the next. I don't want it to speed through the storyline, it'll make it feel undeveloped, but they can kick up the speed a little without butchering everything else. If the people at Game Freak decided that was a good running speed I will storm over to Japan and tell them otherwise. Heck, even speeding up Platinum on an emulator barely does anything. Also, Gen 4 still had HMs. And I despise HMs. A couple are good moves, but pardon me if I want to delete a move from my Pokemon's moveset without waltzing over to the Move Deleter. That's what HM slaves are for. And that's another reason Gen 7 outclasses Gen 4: lack of HMs. Instead of HMs that clog up a Pokemon's moveset, you can just press a couple buttons and fly somewhere on Charizard or surf over the water on Lapras or Sharpedo, and all that other stuff. You can also make 'em easy to access by putting four Ride Pokemon in the D-pad. I usually put Charizard on down, Mudsdale on left, Stoutland on right, and Tauros on up. It's so convinient, the Ride Pager! Also Gen 7 isn't nearly as slow as Gen 4. It's at a nice pace, not too slow, not too fast. Also not overly difficult, though I haven't had much trouble with Gen 4's difficulty. While I do appreciate Gen 4's Physical/Special split for moves, making Gen 4 quite a Gen for competitive battling, that's not enough for me. Oh, and there's Sinnoh itself. It's a beautiful place filled with many different enviroments that bores the living frick out of me. Yes I was being sarcastic with the beautiful part. Sure, the snowy areas are nice but there's a snowy area in Gen 7 too. It's called Mount Lanakila where you can witness Gladion standing in a hailstorm. Also, Alola is a very tropical region, and I adore the tropics. Sinnoh's just kinda boring.
Jan 15, 2021 by Gau
Thanks lol

and I own a shadow hypno
Jan 15, 2021 by BottomlessSea
“ My absolute most hated Pokémon is Hypno. Just, creepy, and... eesh.”
If you think that thing is terrifying, look up “Shadow Hypno Pokémon GO”
Jan 15, 2021 by BottomlessSea
"I can bash whatever I please." -part of my thoughts on Gen 1
Jan 15, 2021 by Gau
Yes I can go around bashing Sinnoh. I hate it.
Jan 15, 2021 by Gau
Agreed, Kyogre is awesome.
Jan 14, 2021 by Gau
You're welcome, and cool! The first game I beat was Ruby, before I knew what version exclusives were or that Groudon was lame. XD
Jan 14, 2021 by Gau
I named a Marill after you in AS. He's an Azumarill now and I have to breed for an Azurill sometime. XD
Jan 14, 2021 by Gau