PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for ~Silver~ (page 47)

excellent name
Jul 3, 2022 by Driftyy:]
Sure lol, if we can set some criteria on the factors I put in my answers, then they can be used in every answer.
Jun 23, 2022 by xPsydxck
As far as the "broski" thing goes, I don't mind, nor am I disturbed. I was just wondering because I've never had that before from someone I know nothing about, save for the username and the info on the page. But if you want to say it, again, I don't mind. Also, the admin tab, what the heck is that?! I've never heard of it during the 4 weeks (gosh, that long?!) I've been here. And yes, that was the comment I was talking about. But, I understand. I'll try to refrain from nonessential comments like that from now on. And the typos are fine. I don't know too many that aren't hitting typos now and then. So I'm used to it. And 1 last thing, sorry for such a long message.
Jun 22, 2022 by anonymous
I'm still waiting to know if you were meowing making a cat face the whole time on your call with your bf that one time. ;
Jun 22, 2022 by xPsydxck
I can understand somewhat why you hid my comment, but you do understand that I was not trying to encourage violence right? Just making sure...
Jun 21, 2022 by anonymous
OK, so I don't understand something. Not that I mind, but I would like to know why did you called me brother? I mean, not like we really know each other. Again, I don't mind it, but I find this very strange. Would you please explain this?
Jun 21, 2022 by anonymous
Rin <3
Jun 20, 2022 by siegfriedsystem
I’m not dead
Jun 17, 2022 by ~Silver~
Jun 3, 2022 by Icyyyy