About me:
I like anime/manga and video games of course! Favorite anime is Bleach and favorite game would have to be Fire emblem Awakening. I play Pokemon XY/ ORAS, Mario Kart 7/8, Smash bros. 3ds/Wii u, and Kid Icarus Uprising online if you ever want to play me in any of those. :3 I was born on July 27 :o and I am currently 14 :P
Current Grav: one of my drawings
Wrap your mind around this *-*: "There is no meaning in our world,
neither is there any meaning in us, the ones who live in it.
It is then meaningless
for us, who are equally meaningless, to conceive the world in our thoughts
despite knowing there is no meaning to be found."
Bleach 22 "Conquistadors"
NOT GOOD ENOUGH?!?! here, I'll try another one:
"We all
die as we are born.
We always find the end
before the beginning.
If to live
means to continually search for wisdom,
we'll find the end waiting after our last lesson.
To finally see the subtlety of the end
and understand it completely
is what it means to die.
We cannot help ourselves from growing wiser.
Those who are helpless to their search for knowledge
are those who cannot transcend death."
Bleach"No throne shaking"