PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Gear 5th (page 14)

Aug 25, 2018 by Thunder Clapper
What's your time zone? I need to know in order to know when to br online to play Smash.
Aug 25, 2018 by Thunder Clapper
Do you have Swapdoodle? if you don't, heres what it is: Swapdoodle is a free-to-start messaging app on the Nintendo 3DS that acts as a successor to Swapnote. You can send your friend(s) notes via SpotPass. It has the same features, but users can no longer use any photo as a background and there is downloadable content to expand the range of stationary, tools and lessons based on the chosen pack.

We could send each other messages :)
Aug 25, 2018 by Thunder Clapper
'Top 10 anime battles'
and yw
Aug 25, 2018 by ♥~Morpekochu~♥
I will get Y
Aug 25, 2018 by stall_fest
He also gives you his FC: 0233-3070-4857
Aug 25, 2018 by Clobboot
Hello. My bro ThunderClaper has run out of wall posts. He told me to thank you for friending him.
Aug 25, 2018 by Clobboot
Also, what is your name on your 3DS?
Aug 25, 2018 by Thunder Clapper
Is that 3DS 2?
Aug 25, 2018 by Thunder Clapper
Also do you use 3DS or 3DS 2?
Aug 25, 2018 by Thunder Clapper