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User Inactive

Member for: 4 years (since May 6, 2020)
Type: Registered user
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About me: No longer active

100 points: 1-19-21
200 points: 1-21-21
300 points: 2-2-21
400 points: 3-26-21
500 points: 6-25-21

Activity by Inactive

Score: 532 points (ranked #404)
Questions: 1 (1 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 13 (7 chosen as best)
Comments: 13
Voted on: 12 questions, 6 answers
Gave out: 18 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 37 up votes, 0 down votes

Wall for Inactive

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Apr 14, 2022 by xPsydxck
Number 15: Burger king foot lettuce. The last thing you'd want in your Burger King burger is someone's foot fungus. But as it turns out, that might be what you get. A 4channer uploaded a photo anonymously to the site showcasing his feet in a plastic bin of lettuce. With the statement: "This is the lettuce you eat at Burger King." Admittedly, he had shoes on.

But that's even worse.

The post went live at 11:38 PM on July 16, and a mere 20 minutes later, the Burger King in question was alerted to the rogue employee. At least, I hope he's rogue. How did it happen? Well, the BK employee hadn't removed the Exif data from the uploaded photo, which suggested the culprit was somewhere in Mayfield Heights, Ohio. This was at 11:47. Three minutes later at 11:50, the Burger King branch address was posted with wishes of happy unemployment. 5 minutes later, the news station was contacted by another 4channer. And three minutes later, at 11:58, a link was posted: BK's "Tell us about us" online forum. The foot photo, otherwise known as exhibit A, was attached. Cleveland Scene Magazine contacted the BK in question the next day. When questioned, the breakfast shift manager said "Oh, I know who that is. He's getting fired." Mystery solved, by 4chan. Now we can all go back to eating our fast food in peace.
Apr 13, 2022 by BottomlessSea
Yeah, i'm driving

driving people crazy
Feb 2, 2022 by BM™
Hey cutie, how have you been?
Jan 27, 2022 by PX
hi :). not much, ive just been watching TV religiously lately in the absense of my other electronics. ive missed everyone a lot lol. Whats up with you?
Jan 22, 2022 by y-chai
Ooooh ok
Jan 12, 2022 by RaidenTheSworded 雷電
why when I looked to your grav, on a wall, it looked like a Black Desert character
Jan 11, 2022 by RaidenTheSworded 雷電
It was a haha funny. the term "reference" is used hella lot in fandoms so like, I thought it would be funny if I acted like LSD was a show with its own fanbase. I am sorry the joke went over your head.
Jan 10, 2022 by Chao220
LSD kinda overrated ngl

and don't get me started on the fanbase
overly toxic ngl
Jan 7, 2022 by Chao220
Haha Ellis Dee

is that an LSD reference?
Jan 4, 2022 by Chao220