PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

User Kameko

Member for: 13 years (since Feb 27, 2011)
Type: Editor
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
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Gender: Male
Country: United States
Favorite Pokémon: All-time favorite is Lycanroc but some others are Lucario, Gliscor, Meowstic, Jirachi, Litleo, Butterfree, Oshawott, Skarmory, Steelix, Mudkip, Scizor, Eevee, Heracross, Volcorona, Cobalion, and Goodra. Just Bug and Steel Types in General
Friend Codes: 3DS FC:
0602 - 6744 - 0287
About me: --------
Favorite Book: Son of Neptune
Favorite Anime: Dragon Ball Super
Favorite DS game: Pokemon Sun
Expert Status:08 / 12 / 12
Broke 10,000:10 / 15 / 12
Broke 11,000:10 / 27 / 12
Broke 12,000:11 / 05 / 12
Broke 13,000:11 / 12 / 12
Broke 14,000:11 / 26 / 12
Broke 15,000:12 / 2 / 12
Editor Status:12 / 8 / 12
Broke 16,000:12 / 10 / 12
Broke 17,000:12 / 19 / 12
Broke 18,000:12 / 25 / 12
Broke 19,000: 1 / 8 / 13
Broke 20,000: 1 / 18 / 13
Broke 21,000: 2 / 22 / 13
Broke 22,000: 3 / 16 / 13
Broke 23,000: 5 / 12 / 13
Mod status: 6 / 9 / 13
Broke 24,000: 8 / 4 / 13
Broke 25,000:  10 / 15 / 13
Broke 26,000: 11/17/13
Broke 27,000: 6/14/14
Broke 28,000: 7/31/15
Notes to self:
-June 28th is National Cap Locks Day
Some people just want to see the world burn, i am one of those people
Useful Tips & other things:
1.If your future self hasn't come back in time to tell you not to do it then it probably isn't a bad decision...
2.If you dont see them die, they might not be dead.
3. My Friend Safari type is Ice and i have Spheal, Sneazel and Dewgong
4. http://imgur.com/mhn95Th

Activity by Kameko

Score: 29,066 points (ranked #12)
Questions: 161 (158 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 1,370 (759 chosen as best)
Comments: 1,682
Voted on: 41 questions, 564 answers
Gave out: 505 up votes, 100 down votes
Received: 1,438 up votes, 66 down votes

Wall for Kameko

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Glad you’re alive, kameko
Jun 2 by ~Silver~
The chances are pretty great in fact
May 12 by Kameko
What are the chances that you, one of legends of Pokémondb, is alive?
Sep 22, 2023 by Mahathirio
You just hit 29000 points! Lmao that's 7 fricking years after your previous milestone.
Jun 1, 2022 by xPsydxck
Oct 20, 2021 by neo magius
I finally realized ur grav : that’s wally
Jul 12, 2021 by FlyinSquirl
Happy cap locks day, (what a coincidence this is the day I stumble on to your wall
Jun 29, 2021 by MonkeyBusiness
You want to see the world burn? for LORD CYRUS, join team galactic, yeah I have similar views.
May 22, 2021 by Siegislash
Jan 25, 2021 by melcakes
Pokémon Sun isn't a DS game! It's 3DS..
Dec 2, 2020 by user74534